The screenshot is the issue. I don’t have a clue if the cause is Powershell, the PS help system or something else. There is mention of a cmdlet having an issue when using an asterisk, that does not seem related to the included screenshot.
The blank-output is one issue, the second, once displayed on screen, adjusting the window size throws everything out-of-alignment. Has anyone experienced either issue, if so what is the resolve while remaining in 5.1 --and without switching to ISE/ VS Code?
The screenshot will happen randomly, the issue with adjusting the window size, causing its contents to be misaligned happens every time a PS window is resized; will not happen with Win-11\Terminal.
Terminal has it own set of issue’s, causing the use of PowerShell.exe.
Again? Really? … why is that an issue? … just scroll over it!
PowerShell is not made to produce a perfect text output to the console. It is about objects and their properties … so it’s about the information contained in it - not the format of it.
If you want to display the help for a single cmdlet you should use the parameters -ShowWindow or -Online to get a separate graphical window you can resize or to get it in your default browser.
@Olaf – perhaps you did not understand the concern → the output is missing. I clearly should a comparison with two similar but different command’s, as well as the initial command beginning to work the second time around.
Hmmm … the way you asked is a little missleading, I think.
First of all: You may use the right tool for the job. If you’re looking for a cmdlet and only know a part of it you should use Get-Command instead of Get-Help.
PS>Get-Command -Verb Get -Noun Cim*
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Get-CimAssociatedInstance CimCmdlets
Cmdlet Get-CimClass CimCmdlets
Cmdlet Get-CimInstance CimCmdlets
Cmdlet Get-CimSession CimCmdlets
… of course you can shorten that and use Get-Command Get-Cim*
Second: I cannot reproduce the behavior you’re showing in your screenshot - even with the wrong command.
I don’t get what you mean. Can you reproduce your issue on another machine?
Do you have an actual issue with code you wrote? That’s what this forum is about. If it’s an issue with your system that’s not the right place to look for help - sorry.
@Olaf – Decaf is your friend, that’s why I posted the image, no big deal, we’re now on the same page.
While writing or adding to a .ps1, I’m reviewing and comparing both 3E, 4E (book’s) and the relevant help article’s. No where have I read (yet), that wildcards are exempt\forbidden when using Help or Get-Help on a localhosts’ cli.
I’m not challenging your feedback, however I posted these two issue’s in this forum because the help articles and two version’s of a book does not cover this; after the fact.
I typed the wrong word, the above posted quote should be → “I clearly showed a comparison with two similar but different command’s, as well as the initial command beginning to work the second time around.” – Please reference the image, i) first command failed to provide all of the output. ii) The second command was revised, and completed successfully. iii) The third attempt reverted back to the first typed version of the command, which initially provided partial output; now it wants to work and in-fact provided the full output. ← Inconsistent behavior.
Along with the other item’s of note, I honestly don’t see how this can be anything but PS 5.1, but then again; this is Windows. The other Win-11\PS 5.1 box is not currently available to test this; no I have not tried to reproduce on another Win-11\PS 5.1 box.
The short answer is ‘no’, I discovered and posted an image of one of the issue’s while following-up on your recommendation from → here, an excerpt is shown below.
I remember saying, at some point I would follow-up on that topic. I thought It was being smart to include the Asterisk (wildcard) as part of the argument to the Help alias, the same way wildcard’s are used with Get-Command. As previously stated, until you posted or suggested differently, I did not see any print exempting or forbidding the use of wildcard’s as part of the argument to the Help alias.
The second item of concern (sample). This second issue will randomly reproduce itself quite frequently on this “Win-11\Home(a)” box, while using PowerShell.exe (5.1) --both via Terminal and PowerShell.exe directly; not necessarily during simultaneous session’s; respectively. If no-one else can mimic either item, then I may very-well have a local problem; I’m asking that more than two or three people monitor their session’s for this behavior, then notify this thread if/when it happens.
Given that the second issue randomly happens on different machine’s running different OS Version’s and slightly different PSVersion’s, shown below, kind-of leans toward an issue with PS 5.1. I cannot find a github\bug listing for this, I’m seeking confirmation from other’s who may be having the same experience I described or evidenced above. ← That is my reasoning for asking other’s to try and confirm; their time and resource’s permitting.
UPDATE: The second Item, while it has happened before with “Win-10\Pro”, is not currently taking place. This confirms that two different machine’s with different OS Version’s and slightly different PSVersion’s, --have exhibited the same random behavior with regard to the second item. The quick way (for me) to confirm if this is a local issue, is by checking with other’s who are running and using one or both of the following:
Computer Information for Win-10\Pro is:
OsVersion: 10.0.19045
osinstalldate: 06/18/2022 12:08:56
PSVersion = 5.1.19041.5369
Computer Information for Win-11\Home(a) is:
OsVersion: 10.0.22631
OSDisplayVersion: 23H2
osinstalldate: 10/09/2024 03:33:40
PSVersion = 5.1.22621.4249
What I both described and evidenced above is the current experience only when running PowerShell.exe or using Terminal as a host for PowerShell; I don’t use ISE or VS Code.