Items and Folder count

by FrancoisFMD at 2013-01-11 09:05:22

I’m quite new to this Powershell world and trying my best to learn new tricks but I’m having some sort of a blockage with this one. I need to extract to a file the DisplayName, Item count and folder count for each mailbox. I’m able to get both but separately. I can’t seem to be able to join them in a single script. I’m sure this is pretty basic but can’t get it to work. Can anyone help?
by hapklaar at 2013-01-11 16:03:37
The problem is that you need both get-mailbox / get-mailboxstatistics and get-mailboxfolderstatistics for this output. I have a script I use to extract mailboxinfo you can use for this. I’ve added FolderIdCount for you and left all my other variables intact:

$Database = @{n="Database";e={ $stats.database }}
$DisplayName = @{n="DisplayName";e={ $stats.Displayname }}
$StorageLimitStatus = @{n="StorageLimitStatus";e={ $stats.StorageLimitStatus }}
$ItemCount = @{n="ItemCount";e={ $stats.ItemCount }}
$TotalItemSize = @{n="TotalItemSize(MB)";e={ $stats.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB() }}
$TotalDeletedItemSize = @{n="TotalDeletedItemSize(MB)";e={ $stats.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB() }}
$LastLogonTime = @{n="LastLogonTime";e={ $stats.LastLogonTime }}
$LastLoggedOnUserAccount = @{n="LastLoggedOnUserAccount";e={ $stats.LastLoggedOnUserAccount }}
$FolderIdCount = @{n="FolderIdCount";e={(get-mailboxfolderstatistics -id $.alias | select FolderId).count}}

$mb=get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited
$mb | foreach-object {
$stats = get-mailboxstatistics $

$_ | select alias, legacyexchangedn, name,$DisplayName, SMTP,$Database,$StorageLimitStatus,$ItemCount,$FolderIdcount,$TotalItemSize,$TotalDeletedItemSize,$LastLogonTime,$LastLoggedOnUserAccount

The bare essentials for you:
$DisplayName = @{n="DisplayName";e={ $stats.Displayname }}
$ItemCount = @{n="ItemCount";e={ $stats.ItemCount }}
$FolderIdCount = @{n="FolderIdCount";e={(get-mailboxfolderstatistics -id $.alias | select FolderId).count}}

$mb=get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited
$mb | foreach-object {
$stats = get-mailboxstatistics $

$_ | select $DisplayName, $ItemCount,$FolderIdcount
} |export-csv c:\export.txt