Get-Mailbox combine with Get-MailboxStatistics

My below script works fine but runs slow. I need to run with -resultsize unlimited. when I run it with -resultsize 550 users it takes 12 minutes to finish. What can I change in my code to run it faster.

Note: I shorten the last line $Results

Thank you!
$DataPath = “C:\temp85\o365UserData.csv”
$Results = @()
$MailboxUsers = get-EXOmailbox -resultsize 550

foreach($user in $mailboxusers)
$UPN = $user.userprincipalname
$License = Get-MsolUser -userprincipalname $UPN
$MbxStats = Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $UPN

  $Properties = @{
  Name = $
  UPN = $UPN
  Alias = $user.alias

UsageLocation = $user.usagelocation

  License = $License.Licenses[0].AccountSkuId

ArchiveStatus = $user.archivestatus

  LitigationHoldEnabled = $user.LitigationHoldEnabled
  LitigationHoldDate = $User.LitigationHoldDate
  LitigationHoldOwner = $User.LitigationHoldOwner
  LitigationHoldDuration = $User.LitigationHoldDuration
  RetentionPolicy = $user.RetentionPolicy
  RetentionHoldEnabled = $User.RetentionHoldEnabled
  ExchangeGuid = $user.ExchangeGuid
  SamAccountName = $User.SamAccountName
  Office = $user.Office
  InPlaceHolds = $User.InPlaceHolds
  IsInactiveMailbox = $User.IsInactiveMailbox
  IsSoftDeletedByRemove = $User.IsSoftDeletedByRemove
  IsSoftDeletedByDisable = $User.IsSoftDeletedByDisable
  AccountDisabled = $User.AccountDisabled
  OrganizationalUnit = $User.OrganizationalUnit
  DisplayName = $User.DisplayName
  PrimarySmtpAddress = $User.PrimarySmtpAddress
  RecipientTypeDetails = $User.RecipientTypeDetails
  WhenCreated = $User.WhenCreated
  WhenMailboxCreated = $User.WhenMailboxCreated
  WhenSoftDeleted = $User.WhenSoftDeleted

ServerName = $MbxStats.servername

DatabaseName = $MbxStats.databasename

  TotItemSize = $MbxStats.totalitemsize
  ItemCount = $MbxStats.ItemCount

$Results += New-Object psobject -Property $properties


$Results | Select-Object Name,DisplayName,License…,License | Export-Csv -notypeinformation -Path $DataPath

Hi, I request you to format the code in the forum which makes other to easily understand your code, below link will help you.

Not sure how much it will improve, below is another way of doing it.

$MailboxUsers = Get-EXOmailbox -ResultSize 550 | Select-Object -Property Name,UPN,Alias, ` 
                                                                         LitigationHoldEnabled, ` 
                                                                         LitigationHoldDate, `
                                                                         LitigationHoldOwner, `
                                                                         LitigationHoldDuration, `
                                                                         RetentionPolicy, `
                                                                         RetentionHoldEnabled, `
                                                                         ExchangeGuid, `
                                                                         SamAccountName, `
                                                                         Office, `
                                                                         InPlaceHolds, `
                                                                         IsInactiveMailbox, `
                                                                         IsSoftDeletedByRemove, `
                                                                         IsSoftDeletedByDisable, `
                                                                         AccountDisabled, `
                                                                         OrganizationalUnit, `
                                                                         DisplayName, `
                                                                         PrimarySmtpAddress, `
                                                                         RecipientTypeDetails, `
                                                                         WhenCreated, `
                                                                         WhenMailboxCreated, `
                                                                         WhenSoftDeleted, `
                                                                         @{ E={(Get-MsolUser -userprincipalname $_.userprincipalname ).Licenses[0].AccountSkuId};L= 'License'}, `
                                                                         @{ E={(Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $_.userprincipalname ).totalitemsize};L= 'TotItemSize'}, `
                                                                         @{ E={(Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $_.userprincipalname ).ItemCount};L= 'ItemCount'}
$DataPath = "C:\temp85\o365UserData.csv"
$Results = @()
$MailboxUsers = get-EXOmailbox -resultsize 550

foreach($user in $mailboxusers)
$UPN = $user.userprincipalname
$License = Get-MsolUser -userprincipalname $UPN
$MbxStats = Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $UPN

      $Properties = @{
      Name = $
      UPN = $UPN
      Alias = $user.alias
#     UsageLocation = $user.usagelocation
      License = $License.Licenses[0].AccountSkuId
#     ArchiveStatus = $user.archivestatus
      LitigationHoldEnabled = $user.LitigationHoldEnabled
      LitigationHoldDate = $User.LitigationHoldDate
      LitigationHoldOwner = $User.LitigationHoldOwner
      LitigationHoldDuration = $User.LitigationHoldDuration
      RetentionPolicy = $user.RetentionPolicy
      RetentionHoldEnabled = $User.RetentionHoldEnabled
      ExchangeGuid = $user.ExchangeGuid
      SamAccountName = $User.SamAccountName
      Office = $user.Office
      InPlaceHolds = $User.InPlaceHolds
      IsInactiveMailbox = $User.IsInactiveMailbox
      IsSoftDeletedByRemove = $User.IsSoftDeletedByRemove
      IsSoftDeletedByDisable = $User.IsSoftDeletedByDisable
      AccountDisabled = $User.AccountDisabled
      OrganizationalUnit = $User.OrganizationalUnit
      DisplayName = $User.DisplayName
      PrimarySmtpAddress = $User.PrimarySmtpAddress
      RecipientTypeDetails = $User.RecipientTypeDetails
      WhenCreated = $User.WhenCreated
      WhenMailboxCreated = $User.WhenMailboxCreated
      WhenSoftDeleted = $User.WhenSoftDeleted
#     ServerName = $MbxStats.servername
#     DatabaseName = $MbxStats.databasename
      TotItemSize = $MbxStats.totalitemsize
      ItemCount = $MbxStats.ItemCount

$Results += New-Object psobject -Property $properties


$Results | Select-Object Name,DisplayName,License......,License | Export-Csv -notypeinformation -Path $DataPath

I’m having deja vu.

Thank you Kvprasoon. Sorry for not doing the code right, my first post. Please see above.

Your suggested code gave me this error:

At C:\Temp85\t\users2.ps1:2 char:95

  • … tionHoldEnabled, `
  •                ~

Missing argument in parameter list.

  • CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:slight_smile: , ParentContainsErrorRecordException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingArgument

Kvprasoon, you can continue at the comma. You don’t need the backtick.


Is it possible for you to save your code as .ps1 file and email it to me please?

I added a coma (,) after the Alias and error went away. But the last three lines data came blank!

Any ideas about the last three lines: License, itemsize, & itemcount?

Hmm, I think it’s alright? I don’t have those commands.

$MailboxUsers = Get-EXOmailbox -ResultSize 550 | Select-Object -Property Name,
UPN, Alias, LitigationHoldEnabled, LitigationHoldDate,
LitigationHoldOwner, LitigationHoldDuration, RetentionPolicy,
RetentionHoldEnabled, ExchangeGuid, SamAccountName, Office,
InPlaceHolds, IsInactiveMailbox, IsSoftDeletedByRemove,
IsSoftDeletedByDisable, AccountDisabled, OrganizationalUnit,
DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress, RecipientTypeDetails,
WhenCreated, WhenMailboxCreated, WhenSoftDeleted,
@{E={(Get-MsolUser -userprincipalname $_.UPN).Licenses[0].AccountSkuId};L='License'},
@{E={(Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $_.UPN).totalitemsize};L='TotItemSize'},
@{E={(Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $_.UPN).ItemCount};L='ItemCount'}

Those three lines still came blank!

There is no UPN property for Get-EXOmailbox output, its userprincipalname

@{E={(Get-MsolUser -userprincipalname $_.UPN).Licenses[0].AccountSkuId};L='License'},
@{E={(Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $_.UPN).totalitemsize};L='TotItemSize'},
@{E={(Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $_.UPN).ItemCount};L='ItemCount'}

@{E={(Get-MsolUser -userprincipalname $_.userprincipalname ).Licenses[0].AccountSkuId};L='License'},
@{E={(Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $_.userprincipalname ).totalitemsize};L='TotItemSize'},
@{E={(Get-EXOMailboxStatistics $_.UPN).userprincipalname };L='ItemCount'}

The script is working ok now but it took 18 minutes to finish 550 users vs 12 minutes before. I read Get-MailboxStatistics is slow. I have to run it fo 6K plus users.

Thank you all for the help.