HELP needed on installing WMF 5,1

Sorry, this post is no longer needed, as I had found out what went wrong after I submitted it.
Unfortunately, I have not seen a way to delete a post, so I might as well describe the [solved] dilemma quickly.
I was trying to upgrade from PS 2.0 to 5.1, and just couldn’t get ANY script to run, including [Install-WMF 5.1.ps1] despite typing:
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned
many times, and Run as Administrator in PS. I kept getting the message “Execution of scripts is disabled on this PC”.
Out of desperation, I rebooted my PC and then I was able to run [Install-WMF5.1.ps1] without the error message and succesfully upgraded to PS 5.1.

You could try right clicking on the file, select properties and then click unblock.

You can find instructions Here

In reference to right clicking and unblocking…


Unblock-File "$install\7z1602-x64.msi"
& "$install\7z1602-x64.msi" /Quiet /passive