Does PS version 5.1 run on Windows 7?

Just getting into PS. What is the latest version of PS that runs on Windows 7?



WMF 5.1 for windows 7 can be downloaded from

On Windows 7 you won’t get most of the additional modules you get on Windows 8 and later

I also believe you have to install WMF 4 first.

Richard wrote: “On Windows 7 you won’t get most of the additional modules you get on Windows 8 and later”

Oops! Is there a list of what modules would be missing? (I was hoping with the latest PS version that I would get all the PS modules. My current interest is using PS to work with SQL Server.)



JS wrote >> I also believe you have to install WMF 4 first.

Was totally unaware of that. Will try installing PS 5.1 on a Win 7 test box to see what happens before applying it to my work machine!


The following links states that to install PS 5.1 on Win 7

1, At least .NET 4.5.2 Framework must be installed

  1. No mention of prior WMF versions – except that WMF 3 should not be installed – is mentioned.

The instructions also have you run a .ps1 script (in Admin mode) with your current version of Powershell. it will check that all prereqs are met and only then, do the PS 5 upgrade.

More involved than I expected. (BTW: Win 7 steps are unique. The doc describes different steps to take for later OSes.)