AD Command help

Dear community
I need your help , i need to add users in to security (not a member of but in security )in one of the ACL . I am having hard time to find a specific command to do this task . Could some one please help . Thanks

This should help:

Thanks AK :), is there a PowerShell way of doing this :slight_smile: I am able to retrieve the permission with this command but now I need to add users to the security group .

set-location AD:
(get-acl (get-ADGroup someexamplegroup).DistinguishedName).access | ft IdentityReference,AccessControlType,ActiveDirectoryRights -AutoSize

For adding users to a group you’d use add-adgroupmember… What are you trying to accomplish? Could you describe it start to finish?

Basically i need to add few users in to security properties of the AD Group .

this should do it:
dsacls (get-ADGroup someexamplegroup).DistinguishedName /G “domain\username:GA”

And as a note, both Cacls and Dsacls are perfectly fine in PowerShell. I use them all the time.