Writing Excel file to Azure Storage

Hi All.

I have written a script that will do the following.

Export data to 2 csv files.

Combine the csv files onto a single excel workbook.

Password protect the files and save the file onto C:\file.

Now I want to change the script such that it runs within an azure setup, running the code from a pipeline as opposed to my local machine, the excel file should also be saved on an azure storage account.

$csvFilePath = "D:\extract\A.csv"  

$excelFilePath = "D:\extract\B.xls"

$csvFilePath2 = "D:\extract\C.csv"  

$results | export-csv  $csvFilePath   -NoTypeInformation -Force

$results2 | export-csv  $csvFilePath2   -NoTypeInformation -Force


$excelfile = "D:\extract\Extract_ $(get-date -format ddMMyyyy).xls" 

function Add-Worksheet{





            Write-Host $_.Fullname -ForegroundColor green  





            Write-Host "File cannot be loaded: $filepath" -ForegroundColor red




$Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application



Get-ChildItem $filepath -Include *.csv |

    Sort-Object Name -desc|


        Add-Worksheet $_.Fullname



$xlExcel8 = 56

$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false;




$excel = $null

$Attach += $excelFilePath

$Attach +=$csvFilePath 

#Delete the old csv files.

Get-ChildItem $filepath -include *.csv -Recurse | Remove-Item