Upgrading DSC from WMF 4 to WMF 5

I would really like to upgrade my servers from WMF 4.0 to WMF 5.0 and I’m not sure how to go about it. Can I upgrade my pull servers to 5.0 while my nodes are still running on 4.0 or do I need to do it the other way around? Has anyone else done that could maybe provide some lessons learned?

A 5.0 pull server can still talk to 4.0 nodes, and vice-versa. Until a node starts using ConfigurationNames, it uses the v4 protocol, regardless of what version it’s running.

Concerning a 5.0 server talking to a 4.0 node I was running in to what Don is talking about with ConfigurationNames. Mike Robbins has a handy function to convert 5.0 configs to 4.0 at: http://mikefrobbins.com/2014/10/30/powershell-desired-state-configuration-error-undefined-property-configurationname/ that I am now using for my DSC configurations.

I know having all nodes be the same as the pull server is ideal, but I am in a scenario where I am not quite there yet and am fixing a haphazard DSC set up.