Setting up DSC Pull Server in WMF 5.0 on WS2012R2

Is there any updated instructions/information available on setting up a DSC Pull server for WMF 5.0, or is it identical to WMF 4.0?

The release notes for the Production Preview don’t have much if any detail, and don’t even mention Windows Server 2012 R2.

Also - Is there additional steps to setup a Pull server for the new centralized reporting capabilities? The release notes for the Production Preview show how to configure an LCM to reference it via the “ReportServerWeb” configuration section, but nothing about setting up the central server.


It should basically be the same. Frankly, I’d consider waiting until WMF5 RTM’s in Q4, though. Right now we just lack documentation - but I believe setting up the reporting server is the same as it was in WMF4.

Hi Jeff,

I rolled out a simple single node http pull server yesterday in my lab on a server 2012R2 core box with the newest version of wmf PP and it rolled out just beautifully.

I was able to get one configured as well using the same configuration (more or less) as we had used for the WMF 4.0 pull server. This configuration uses the xDscWebService resource contained in the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module I downloaded the latest verison of the module from the PowerShell Gallery using Install-Module.

This mechanism also configures a ComplianceServer, which I’d like to understand more about given the reporting changes in WMF 5.0.
