
Hello Don,
I am going through your book, Learn Windows PowerShell 3 in a Month of Lunches, Second Edition; it has been a great experience so far.
I would like to use it to teach my colleagues and would appreciate your recommendation.
Thank you for writing a concise, practical and easy to understand book. GREAT book!
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you,

Not sure exactly what you’re asking but I’m certain Don would recommend you recommending his book to your colleagues :slight_smile:

Its the book I always recommend for people starting to learn PowerShell

It’s an excellent book. I would also recommend Learn Powershell Toolmaking in a month of lunches and Windows Powershell in Action. Don’t forget about Microsoft Virtual Academy which has lessons on Powershell and also checkout
Another good resource is Hey, Scripting Guy Blog. I think Don is coming out with a new book for DSC