Startup with multiple tabs and directories

Hi all,

I’m John and i’m new in this community and relatively new with powershell.
How can I startup powershell with multiple tabs in different directories?


Welcome to the forum. :wave:t4:

PowerShell itself is a single threaded CLI console. It cannot have mutliple tabs. You can use the
Windows Terminal
what’s able to combine multiple CLIs in multiple tabs in one window.
Or you could use the IDE

with the extension for PowerShell to run multiple consoles of PowerShell.

Do you mean Windows Terminal?

Do you mean lets say 4 different powershell windows with different title bar names and when it opens you want to start in:

1 | C:\Temp
2 | C:\Program Files
3 | D:\Temp
4 | C:\


I got a script for that.