Return true\false from foreach

Hi guys, i’m missing something here.
How can I return a true or false value from a foreach loop?

	ForEach ($Group in $Groups)
	Get-ADGroup -Filter {memberOf -RecursiveMatch $SearchDN} -SearchBase $Group | Select Name

Thought I better put the whole function for clarity

Function Find-NestedGroup {

	Import-Module ActiveDirectory

	$SearchDN = (Get-ADGroup $SearchGroup).DistinguishedName

	$Groups = Get-ADUser $UserName -Properties MemberOf

	ForEach ($Group in $Groups)
	Get-ADGroup -Filter {memberOf -RecursiveMatch $SearchDN} -SearchBase $Group | Select Name

Don’t think I’m getting the whole picture here, but you could use try/catch.

I just want to know if the user is in a group or a member of its nested group. I don’t care what the group is at this point, i just want it to do different things if it is true or false.

What I was trying was this but its wrong. It always returns true.

Function Find-NestedGroup {

	Import-Module ActiveDirectory

	$SearchDN = (Get-ADGroup $SearchGroup).DistinguishedName

	$Groups = Get-ADUser $UserName -Properties MemberOf

	$test = ForEach ($Group in $Groups)
		Get-ADGroup -Filter {memberOf -RecursiveMatch $SearchDN} -SearchBase $Group | Select Name
		{return $true}
		{return $false}

Try imbedding your output in the foreach instead of trying to catpure it.

Function Find-NestedGroup {

	Import-Module ActiveDirectory

	$SearchDN = (Get-ADGroup $SearchGroup).DistinguishedName

	$Groups = Get-ADUser $UserName -Properties MemberOf

	[bool]$test = $False
	ForEach ($Group in $Groups) {
		If (Get-ADGroup -Filter {memberOf -RecursiveMatch $SearchDN} -SearchBase $Group) {
                    $Test = $True
        return $test

Completely untested but this is where I’m leaning.

It may be easiest to enumerate ALL members of the group (recursive to include members of nested groups) and check if the user in question is in there. Like this:

"usersamaccountname" -in $(Get-ADGroupMember "Group" -Recursive).samaccountname

I tested this and it worked for me

Not sure where my other went. perhaps I forgot to submit it.

I feel like Justin’s way should work, I just have to tweak it I think. Unfortunately, we have just lost staff so I have not had a chance to really try this yet.

Peter, your way wouldn’t work in my case or would probably take too long to enumerate through all the DL’s and sub-DL’s

Hey guys, sorry for the delay. This did work OK in the end
There are some changes but still has same functionality over all.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$DLdn = (Get-ADGroup $DL).DistinguishedName
$UsersGroups = (Get-ADUser $UserName -Properties MemberOf).MemberOf

ForEach ($Group in $UsersGroups) {
	If (Get-ADGroup -Filter {memberOf -RecursiveMatch $DLdn} -SearchBase $Group) {
	[System.Environment]::Exit(0) #Script exits with Success (Member already in Group or Nested)
    } #Exit If
	} #Exit ForEach

[System.Environment]::Exit(1) #Script exits with Failure (Member not found in Group or Nested)