Active Directory Nested group members

I’m looping through all groups to get group info and their members(users) info. The problem is the nested group members are being reported as just a member of the parent group. For example, user1 is a member of group2 and group2 is a member of group1. When I run this it just displays user1 and group1. How can I change this to show that user1 is a member of group2 and group2 is a member of group1?


foreach( $Group in $Groups ){

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive| Get-ADUser -Properties samaccountname, givenname,sn,title,description,mail,department,manager| foreach {

$data+= [pscustomobject]@{ObjectName =$
objectclass =$_.objectclass
GroupName =$
GroupCategory =$group.groupcategory
GroupScope =$group.groupscope
GroupDescription =$group.description
distinguishedName =$_.distinguishedName
UserName =$_.samaccountname
FirstName =$_.givenname
LastName =$
Title =$_.title
UserDescription =$_.Description
Email =$_.mail
Department =$_.department
Manager =$_.manager


}#end foreach
}# end foreach

There’s no easy/builtin way to achieve what you’re asking for. You’re using the parameter -Recursive. To achieve what you want you’d have to ommit the parameter -Recursive, check for each member of the queried group if it’s a group or not and if it’s a group “dive” into it and get the members. Please have in mind that’s it’s possible to have more than one level of nesting in your groups. So you might create a recursive function for that.

#Try this Script. This should work for you

$Groups = 'All_admins', 'AD-Grp-16'
$Consolidate = @()
foreach( $Group in $Groups ){

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive| Get-ADUser -Properties samaccountname, givenname,sn,title,description,mail,department,manager|

foreach {

$data= [pscustomobject]@{ObjectName =$
objectclass =$_.objectclass
GroupName =$
GroupCategory =$group.groupcategory
GroupScope =$group.groupscope
GroupDescription =$group.description
distinguishedName =$_.distinguishedName
UserName =$_.samaccountname
FirstName =$_.givenname
LastName =$
Title =$_.title
UserDescription =$_.Description
Email =$_.mail
Department =$_.department
Manager =$_.manager

$Consolidate+= $data

}#end foreach

So this issue of getting AD group members including sub-groups has been on my mind for a while. I wrote a function to do just that. Example:

Install-Module AZSBTools -Force -AllowClobber
Get-SBADGroupMembers testgroup1

with output similar to:

Processing group       CN=testgroup1,DC=TW24,DC=local  
Processing child group CN=testgroup2,DC=TW24,DC=local (Parent: testgroup1)  

UserName  DN                            OU   MemberOf             
--------  --                            --   --------             
testuser1 CN=testuser1,DC=TW24,DC=local TW24 testgroup1           
testuser2 CN=testuser2,DC=TW24,DC=local TW24 testgroup2.testgroup1

Try this…

function Get-ADNestedGroupMembers 
      [String] $Group 
  Import-Module ActiveDirectory
  ($Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive)

Or this…

function Get-NestedGroupMember

        $user = Get-ADUser -Identity $Identity
        $userdn = $user.DistinguishedName
        $strFilter = "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$userdn)"
        Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter $strFilter -ResultPageSize 1000

Or this…

$MasterGroup = "Denied RODC Password Replication Group"

$GlobalGroups = @()
$MemberGroups = @()

$MemberGroups += Get-ADGroupMember $MasterGroup | 
where { $_.ObjectClass -eq "Group" }

Foreach ($MemberGroup in $MemberGroups)
    IF ((Get-ADGroup $MemberGroup).GroupScope -eq "Global") 
    { $GlobalGroups += $MemberGroup }
    $NestedGroups = TRY
                    Get-ADGroup -Identity (Get-ADGroupMember $MemberGroup | 
                    where { $_.ObjectClass -eq "Group" })
                CATCH { }
    $MemberGroups += $NestedGroups
    $Membergroups = $MemberGroups -ne $MemberGroup



already written for you :slight_smile: