Remove single user from AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom attribute

by PowerShellNewbie at 2012-09-12 15:14:32

Ok, please forgive my newness as I only have just recently started using PowerShell.

I am trying to remove a single user from the AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom attribute in Exchange 2010. Using the Get-DistributionGroup command, I can see the user names but I can’t seem to find a way to remove one user name from this. Is there a way? If so, what is it?


by DonJ at 2012-09-12 15:18:48
I’m going to relocate this to our Exchange forum.
by Helmto108 at 2012-09-30 13:47:00

I was able to remove a single user from the AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom attribute using the following syntax:

Set-DistributionGroup -identity "Name of your group" -AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom @{Remove="Alias/EmailAddress of the user"}

e.g. Set-DistributionGroup -identity "Test Group 1" -AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom @{Remove=""}

Hope this helps.