recursive search in XML

Hello fellow members,

I do have a problem with my script, let me explain it.

What I want ?
to associate 1 or n files extension(s) to a folder

The XML File :
I cannot copy/paste the XML code it’s destroying the format …



the script :
foreach ($server in $xmlfile.SI.Environnement.Foundation.SERVER) {
foreach($path in $xmlfile.SI.Environnement.Foundation.Paths.PATH) {
$fullpath = $path.FOLDER
$Exist = Test-Path “\$server$fullpath”
if ($Exist -eq “True”) {
write-host “directory :”$path.FOLDER “exist” on $Server
$TotalRemoved = Get-ChildItem “\$server$fullpath*” -Include $path.PATTERN | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le “$Limit”} | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
Write-host $TotalRemoved “files were removed with pattern” $path.PATTERN
elseif ($Exist -ne “True”) {
Write-Host “directory :”$fullpath “does not exist” on $Server
write-host `r

the code return :
directory : D$\Hyperion\logs\openldap\ exist on Server-0001
0 files were removed with pattern *.txt

directory : D$\Hyperion\logs\BIPlus\ exist on Server-0001
35 files were removed with pattern server_messages.log.* Annotations.log.* eiengine.log

directory : D$\Hyperion\logs\openldap\ does not exist on Server-0002
directory : D$\Hyperion\logs\BIPlus\ does not exist on Server-0002

The problem is in bold, I’d like “server_messages.log." on a line (as a variable to reuse, "Annotations.log.” on a sercond and “eiengine.log” on a thrid one.

Is there a way to get 1 or n extension(s) PER ?

thank you for your help

Hey Kenny. Have you tried upload it? Rename the file to .txt extension first.

In this case, it looks like your $path variable is an array, and you’re running PowerShell 3.0 or later. That makes $path.Pattern resolve also to an array (of strings), and when you pass that array on to Write-Host, it gets converted to a string for display by joining the array using the default field separator (a space character.)

Where you go from here depends on what you want the output to look like. For example, you could do something like this:

Write-Host "$TotalRemoved files were removed with the following patterns:"
foreach ($pattern in $path.Pattern)
    Write-Host $pattern

Answer is :


foreach ($server in $xmlfile.SI.Environnement.Foundation.SERVER) {

    foreach ($path in $xmlfile.SI.Environnement.Foundation.PATHS.PATH) {

            foreach ($Pattern in $path.PATTERNS.PATTERN) {

                $allpath = $path.FOLDER

            $Exist = Test-Path \\$server\$allpath

         if ($Exist -eq "True") {
            write-host "directory :"$path.FOLDER "exist" on $Server
            $TotalRemoved = Get-ChildItem "\\$server\$allpath\*" -Include $path.PATTERN | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le "$Limit"} | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
            Write-host $TotalRemoved "files were removed with pattern" $Pattern
            write-host `r

         elseif ($Exist -ne "True") {
            Write-Host "directory :"$fullpath "does not exist" on $Server
