Finding string on remote server

I wrote a script which will find a string in a folder/subfolder and return output to file.

$servers = Import-Csv C:\Users\venkatak\Desktop\Test\all.csv
$Text = “Test”
$Results = “C:\Users\venkatak\Desktop\Test\logtest.txt”
FOREACH ($server in $servers) {

$Path = ‘\’ + $server.ServerName + '\c$\opscripts'

Write-Host $server

If (Test-Path $Path){
get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
if ( Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $sitescope ) {

        # Item was found
        Write-Output $_ | Select Line,LineNumber,Filename

       $Results += @{
           'Server' = $Server.ServerName
           'SearchTerm' = $SearchTerm
           'FilePath' = $_.FullName
           'Line' = $_.Line
           'LineNumber' = $_.LineNumber


But, I am not able to get the output log. Is something I am missing?


You have this:

$Results = "C:\Users\venkatak\Desktop\Test\logtest.txt"

Then this:

$Results += @{ ...

What you’re trying to do is this:

#set a log path
$logPath = 'C:\Users\venkatak\Desktop\Test\logtest.txt'
#create an empty array
$results = @()
#add results to the array
$results += @{
 'Server' = $Server.ServerName
 'SearchTerm' = $SearchTerm
 'FilePath' = $_.FullName
 'Line' = $_.Line
 'LineNumber' = $_.LineNumber
#write the results array to the log file
$results | Out-File $logPath -append 

Thanks. I updated the script, but still some issues, not able to get the line number in the output & the path is not showing completely.

Completed script:

$servers = Import-Csv C:\Users\venkatak\Desktop\Test\all.csv
$SearchTerm = “good”

#set a log path

$logPath = ‘C:\Users\venkatak\Desktop\Test\logtest.txt’

#create an empty array

$results = @()

FOREACH ($server in $servers) {

$Path = ‘\’ + $server.ServerName + '\c$\opscripts'

Write-Host $server

If (Test-Path $Path){
get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
if ( Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $SearchTerm) {

        # Item was found
        #Write-Output $_ | Select Line,LineNumber,Filename

#add results to the array

$results += @{

‘Server’ = $Server.ServerName

‘SearchTerm’ = $SearchTerm

‘FilePath’ = $.FullName
‘Line’ = $

‘LineNumber’ = $_.LineNumber


#write the results array to the log file

results | Out-File $logPath -append

Output look like the below:
Server kalyantest
FilePath \kalyantest\c$\opscripts\old\20160216-adding…
SearchTerm good
Server kalyantest
FilePath \kalyantest\c$\opscripts\IHS_DB_…
SearchTerm good
Server kalyantest
FilePath \kalyantest\c$\opscripts\cpu_mem_Pittsbu…

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


ok, in order to help, in the future please use the instructions for denote code-blocks… and as Don Jones books tell you… formatting is important to readable code.

that aside,
the last line of the script:
results | Out-File $logPath -append

i believe this should read:
$results | Out-File $logPath -append

The problem is your misuse of the placeholder $_.

$_ is used to represent a pipeline input object.

You should be doing something like this:

$found = Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $SearchTerm

results += @{
'Line' = $found.Line
'LineNumber' = $found.LineNumber