I’m trying to automate the creation of SCCM Device Collections.
Now i made the following Script to do it. if i start the Script a GUI appears. if i choice $RadioButton1 everything works fine and at the End the Collection is moved after creation. So thats fine. But if i choice $RadioButton2 i get the message
- Move-CMObject : FolderPath S01:\DeviceCollection\ESD\TRUST is invalid
I Tryed to Use the same Path like on $RadioButton1 but the same error.
If i manualy use the Collection ID like - Move-CMObject -FolderPath S01:\DeviceCollection\ESD\Test -ObjectId SMS00032 - it works.
do you have an idea why it works so strange?
Many thanks for your help.
Here the Script:
#Setting Up Variables
$PBOuPath = “OU=Test,OU=SCCM Groups,OU=Groups,OU=AW,DC=Tst,DC=wrk”
$PAOuPath = “OU=TRUST,OU=SCCM Groups,OU=Groups,OU=AW,DC=Tst,DC=wrk”
$SecurityGroupQuery = "select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SecurityGroupName = ‘AW\AW_GG_SCCM_$CollectionName - INSTALL’ "
$SecurityGroupQueryUninst = "select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SecurityGroupName = ‘AW\AW_GG_SCCM_$CollectionName - UNINSTALL’ "
A function to create the form
function SCCM_Form{
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“System.Windows.Forms”)
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“System.Drawing”)
# Set the size and titel of your form
$Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.width = 500
$Form.height = 300
$Form.Text = ”Create a New SCCM Collection"
# Set the font of the text to be used within the form
$Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Calibri",12)
$Form.Font = $Font
# Create a group that will contain your radio buttons
$MyGroupBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
$MyGroupBox.Location = '40,30'
$MyGroupBox.size = '400,150'
$MyGroupBox.text = "SCCM Collection"
# Create the collection of radio buttons
$RadioButton1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$RadioButton1.Location = '20,40'
$RadioButton1.size = '350,20'
$RadioButton1.Checked = $true
$RadioButton1.Text = "New PB Collection"
$RadioButton2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$RadioButton2.Location = '20,70'
$RadioButton2.size = '350,20'
$RadioButton2.Checked = $false
$RadioButton2.Text = "New PA Collection"
$RadioButton3 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$RadioButton3.Location = '20,100'
$RadioButton3.size = '350,20'
$RadioButton3.Checked = $false
$RadioButton3.Text = "New MS Collection"
# Add an OK button
$OKButton = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$OKButton.Location = '130,200'
$OKButton.Size = '100,40'
$OKButton.Text = 'OK'
#Add a cancel button
$CancelButton = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$CancelButton.Location = '255,200'
$CancelButton.Size = '100,40'
$CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
# Add all the Form controls on one line
# Add all the GroupBox controls on one line
# Assign the Accept and Cancel options in the form to the corresponding buttons
$form.AcceptButton = $OKButton
$form.CancelButton = $CancelButton
# Activate the form
# Get the results from the button click
$dialogResult = $form.ShowDialog()
# If the OK button is selected
if ($dialogResult -eq "OK"){
# Check the current state of each radio button and respond accordingly
if ($RadioButton1.Checked){
##Start Funktion for PB
##Eingabefeld für dien Applikationsname
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.VisualBasic') | Out-Null
$CollectionName = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter the Name of The Application", "New Collection", "")
#Create / Move Collection Test
New-CMCollection -CollectionType Device -Name "$CollectionName - INSTALL" -LimitingCollectionName "All Systems"
$InstallCollectionID = (Get-CMCollection -Name "$CollectionName - INSTALL" | Select-Object CollectionID).CollectionID
New-CMCollection -CollectionType Device -Name "$CollectionName - UNINSTALL" -LimitingCollectionName "All Systems"
$UninstallCollectionID = (Get-CMCollection -Name "$CollectionName - UNINSTALL" | Select-Object CollectionID).CollectionID
Move-CMObject -FolderPath S01:\DeviceCollection\ESD\Test -ObjectId $InstallCollectionID
Move-CMObject -FolderPath S01:\DeviceCollection\ESD\Test -ObjectId $UninstallCollectionID
#Create / Move AD Group Test
New-ADGroup -Path $TstOuPath -Name "AW_GG_SCCM_$CollectionName - INSTALL" -GroupScope Global
New-ADGroup -Path $TstOuPath -Name "AW_GG_SCCM_$CollectionName - UNINSTALL" -GroupScope Global
#Add Query to Collection Install
Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionId $InstallCollectionID -RuleName SCCM_Query -QueryExpression $SecurityGroupQuery
#Add Group Exclude Query to Collection Install
Add-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule -CollectionId $InstallCollectionID -excludeCollectionId $UninstallCollectionID
#Add Query to Collection Uninstall
Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionId $UninstallCollectionID -RuleName SCCM_Query -QueryExpression $SecurityGroupQueryUninst
##Stop Function for PB
elseif ($RadioButton2.Checked)
#Connect to SCCM Server Import the module
If (-not (Get-Module ConfigurationManager))
Write-Host “Configuration Manager not loaded, loading…”
import-module ($Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Substring(0,$Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Length-5) + '\ConfigurationManager.psd1')
$PSD = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite
$SiteCode = $PSD.Name
CD “$($PSD):”
Write-Host “Configuration Manager Already Loaded”
##Eingabefeld für dien Applikationsname
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.VisualBasic') | Out-Null
$CollectionName = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter the Name of The Application", "New Collection", "")
#Connect to SCCM Server Drive
New-PSDrive -Name „S01“ -PSProvider CMSite -Root „AWSRV20.art.wrk“
#Create / Move Collection Test
New-CMCollection -CollectionType Device -Name "$CollectionName - INSTALL" -LimitingCollectionName "All Systems"
$InstallCollectionID = (Get-CMCollection -Name "$CollectionName - INSTALL" | Select-Object CollectionID).CollectionID
### New-CMCollection -CollectionType Device -Name "$CollectionName - UNINSTALL" -LimitingCollectionName "All Systems"
### $UninstallCollectionID = (Get-CMCollection -Name "$CollectionName - UNINSTALL" | Select-Object CollectionID).CollectionID
Move-CMObject -FolderPath S01:\DeviceCollection\ESD\Test -ObjectId $InstallCollectionID
###Move-CMObject -FolderPath "S01:\Device Collections\TRUST\ESD" -ObjectId $UninstallCollectionID
#Create / Move AD Group Test
### New-ADGroup -Path $PAOuPath -Name "AW_GG_SCCM_$CollectionName - INSTALL" -GroupScope Global
### New-ADGroup -Path $PAOuPath -Name "AW_GG_SCCM_$CollectionName - UNINSTALL" -GroupScope Global
#Add Query to Collection Install
### Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionId $InstallCollectionID -RuleName SCCM_Query -QueryExpression $SecurityGroupQuery
#Add Group Exclude Query to Collection Install
### Add-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule -CollectionId $InstallCollectionID -excludeCollectionId $UninstallCollectionID
#Add Query to Collection Uninstall
### Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionId $UninstallCollectionID -RuleName SCCM_Query -QueryExpression $SecurityGroupQueryUninst
elseif ($RadioButton2.Checked)
write-Host "Test"
Call the function