PowerShell vendor/product coverage

I am starting a business justification for sending some technicians to the on-ramp program at the Summit for next year. My question is what is the best way to find out what vendors and products besides Microsoft have PowerShell support? find-module is a bit overwhelming.

As for this…

find-module is a bit overwhelming

… why do you say this?

This would be like saying reading an active directly book or the is overwhelming.

Overwhelming is subjective from person to person. You have to pull a list of items and poll those items for details about them. There is no escaping that.


As for this…

My question is what is the best way to find out what vendors and products besides Microsoft have PowerShell support?

… there is no way to do this except for asking the vendors you use directly or as noted looking up what vendors have published to the MS repository.

Vendors create resources the support PS, not MS. MS just provides the API’s/SDK’s for those vendors to do so.

As for find-module, that is only a way of finding what is already in the PS repository and / or on your system already.

The PSGet - find-module is not the only thing to look at. There is …


Synopsis Finds software packages in available package sources.Description The Find-Package cmdlet finds matching software packages that are available in package sources.

… as well which is part of the PS resource management / use stack.

PSGet is the MS version of …

… there is the same sort of things there. Lots and lots of packages. Yet, only the ones the vendor or other participant has published.

But if all you want is the module name and author, try this…

# Look at all aspects of a published module
Find-Module | Select-Object -Property * -First 1

Name                       : AzureRM.profile
Version                    : 5.5.1
Type                       : Module
Description                : Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Profile credential management cmdlets for Azure Resource Manager
Author                     : Microsoft Corporation
CompanyName                : azure-sdk
Copyright                  : Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PublishedDate              : 8/29/2018 10:39:41 PM
InstalledDate              :
UpdatedDate                :
LicenseUri                 : https://aka.ms/azps-license
ProjectUri                 : https://github.com/Azure/azure-powershell
IconUri                    :
Tags                       : {Azure, ResourceManager, ARM, Profile, Authentication, Environment, Subscription, PSModule}
Includes                   : {Function, RoleCapability, Command, DscResource, Workflow, Cmdlet}
PowerShellGetFormatVersion :
ReleaseNotes               : * Fixed issue with default resource groups not being set.
* Updated common runtime assemblies
Dependencies               : {}
RepositorySourceLocation   : https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/
Repository                 : PSGallery
PackageManagementProvider  : NuGet
AdditionalMetadata         : @{summary=Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Profile credential ...

Find-Module | Select Name,Author

# Or sorted - though take longer to render

Find-Module | Select-Object -Property Name,Author | 
Sort-Object -Property Author | 
Format-Table -AutoSize

You can also get the number of modules Grouped by Author - though take longer to render as well.

Just getting the count in the repo

(Find-Module | Select-Object -Property Name,Author).Count
# 3189

(Find-Package | Select-Object -Property ProviderName,Name,PackageFileName,Source,FromTrustedSource,Status).Count
# 3180

It’s kind of a manual search process, because PowerShell Gallery doesn’t even include every possible vendor module. But PowerShell enjoys wide support - AWS, NetApp, VMware, Citrix, Cisco ACI, and so on. Many “first tier” infrastructure vendors provide PowerShell interfaces. You’ll find few “second tier” vendors, though, especially in the line-of-business application market, because those vendors tend to not invest in administrative APIs in the first place.