Post hidden by community flags

There is a post Trojan code, can you tell me what it does?

I replied to this post. It was the first reply in response to the question; and, it has been put on hold by the community.

I am not sure if I know how to correct it properly; so that, it does not remain hidden; even though, I read the guidelines.

Is there a way I can read what the reply has been flagged for; this is just so I can make sure the reply does not get deleted.

If you’re new to the community, your first couple posts may be hidden due to spam, from what I’ve learned; however, it could’ve also been hidden due to poor formatting.

Welcome to the forum. :wave:t3:

Well … this is your first post and it is not hidden. :wink: :man_shrugging:t3:

Do you have any question about PowerShell? :wink:

Hi Olaf! For now, not at the moment. I’m familiarizing myself with the forum to help in moderating per a request from the PS Summit!