Pass multiple array values as ArgumentList in ScriptBlock

I have pulled below example from Microsoft Help docs and experimenting a bit further. I’m able to understand the fact that to pass an array as single object to ScriptBlock param, use unary operator.

How about when I got multiple parameters with [String] or [array] in ScriptBlock ?


$array = 'Hello','World'
icm -ScriptBlock {param([string[]]$p1) $p1 -join '**'} -Argumentlist (,$array)
Output:  Hello**World
$arr1 = 'Hello','World'
$arr2 = 'Welcome','PS'
icm -ScriptBlock {param([string[]]$p1,[string[]]$p2) $p1,$p2 -join '**'} -Argumentlist (,$arr1,$arr2)
Output: System.String[]**System.String[]

icm -ScriptBlock { param([string]$p1, [string]$p2) $p1,$p2 -join '**'} -ArgumentList $arr1, $arr2 
Output: Hello World**Welcome PS

3rd attempt, I have removed for string type hoping it would fail but it gave output. Not desired one though !

Expected Output: HelloWorldWelcome**PS

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> 

$arr1 = 'Hello','World'
$arr2 = 'Welcome','PS'

#An array is an object, using the comma is an array of objects or an array of arrays
$arr1,$arr2 -join '**'

#To join the arrays into a single array for join, use a plus + operator
$arr1 + $arr2 -join '**'


Can you show it using scriptblocks and args list - if possible please …

Main goal is to leverage -ScriptBlock and -ArgumentList parameters of cmdlets to pass multiple arrays as input. No specific to use join operator

Rob has already given you the answer and examples. Simply add the arrays together with + before using join.

$arr1 = 'Hello','World'
$arr2 = 'Welcome','PS'
icm -ScriptBlock { param([string[]]$p1, [string[]]$p2) $p1 + $p2 -join '**'} -ArgumentList $arr1, $arr2 



[quote quote=242942]Rob has already given you the answer and examples. Simply add the arrays together with + before using join.

$arr1 = ‘Hello’,‘World’ $arr2 = ‘Welcome’,‘PS’ icm -ScriptBlock { param([string]$p1, [string]$p2) $p1 + $p2 -join ‘**’} -ArgumentList $arr1, $arr2 Output

HelloWorldWelcome**PS [/quote]

My bad… Thanks for pointing that… Appreciate all :+1:

Actually, there’s no array problem with multiple arguments.

$a = 1,2,3; $b = 4,5,6
invoke-command localhost { param ($a,$b) $a;$b} -args $a,$b  # elevated prompt for localhost

He’s trying to join them, and as arrays it was array1 join array2 where he really wanted each element of each array joined.

Oh, I see. This wouldn’t work even outside invoke-command:

$a = 1,2,3; $b = 4,5,6
$a,$b -join '**'
