Advanced function array input

I am creating an advanced function and having a problem accepting array. So to explain:

I can run this ok:
Get-MyCmdlet ‘c:\test.txt’

When I run:

Get-MyCmdlet ‘c:\test.txt’, ‘c:\test2.txt’

It see the 2nd in the array as a second parameter and get the error:

Cant find an overload for “xxx” and the argument count: “2”

How do I get it to recognise anything after the comma as being part of the first parameter.

For instance Get-Process can be run as:

Get-Process ‘winword’, ‘explorer’

It would help to see your parameter declaration block.

Param ( # Path to an MSI file [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName='Default')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$Path )

I’ve just realised that it is sending it through when I added ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true. However It is now passing it through as a string rather than dealing with it in the begin,process,end block as individual strings like passing on the pipeline does

So, it’s a bit hard to tell with unformatted code, but:

'c:\test.txt', 'c:\test2.txt'

Aren’t necessarily the same; PowerShell uses a space to detect where one value stops and the next parameter value begins. Because you’re using positional parameters, you leave a lot up to the shell’s discretion. If you really want to test this, use:

Get-MyCmdlet -Path @('c:\test.txt','c:\test2.txt')

That’ll tell you if the parameter is working as intended, since the @() array operator explicitly forces an array. If you really want to dig into the troubleshooting, use Trace-Command to view a parameterbinding dump of your command bring run with two array items - that’ll show you exactly what PowerShell is trying to do under the hood.

So how does both of these work in terms of your definition then?

get-process 'explorer', 'svchost'
get-process 'explorer','svchost'

Ok… resolved :slight_smile:

The problem was further down the stack.

The comma seems to denote that something else is coming for the parameter so it doesn’t matter if you have a space after the comma or not, the next parameter follows a space without a preceding comma

The problem is that I was expecting the begin,process,end block to handle the variables in the array individually like it does if you were passing something through the pipeline. It doesn’t it passes a whole array through, so you have to process the array yourself.

Ah. Correct. I cover that in my Toolmakong book :).