Dear All
I need some help with my script. I have script that checks the hypervisor connection on each xendesktop sites and stores the information in to a ps object and then I am trying to convert that object in to html where i have problem .
foreach ($Adminserver in $Adminservers){ $hypervischeck = Get-BrokerHypervisorConnection -AdminAddress $Adminserver | Select-Object Name,State $HypervisorStatus += New-Object psobject -Property @{Sitename = $Adminserver HypervisorName = $hypervischeck.Name Status = $hypervischeck.State
$hypervisorstuats contains the below details
itename Status Hypervisroname
site1.exmaple.COM {On, On, On} {hyp1,hyp2,hyp3}
site2.example.COM {On, Unavailable, On} {hyp4,hyp5}
I get the below content in my html , the status object is showing as system.object.
Get-Content C:\temp\test.html
Sitename Status HypervisorName