Manage Office installs Powershell report

Hi All,
Firstly allow me to apologise if this has been asked elsewhere (site search yielded no results)

Is there a way of creating a Powershell script that will generate a report of Office installs per user?
This can be seen in the office 365 admin panel under:
Active Users >> select user >> Office Installations: Edit >> Microsoft Office

Many thanks in advance

I’ve not run across anywhere Microsoft exposes that information to PowerShell, at present.

You may be able to get the information from users associated computers.

Get-CimInstance -Class OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct

I feel your problem Robert; I also stumbled upon this challenge. There’s no exposure yet of this functionality through PowerShell. I guess this has something to do with Privacy of the end user. Check the bottom of this blogpost:

So, the only way to check how many activations exists for an user, is through the Office 365 admin portal. I would suggest to up-vote this on the uservoice website. There is already an idea suggested: