Looking for specific powersehll skills/resources.. API calls, JSON, and data manipulation

I know a very basic ammount of powershell, more from observation and having done rudimentary scripting from Python.
I can identigy basic features such as arrays, loops, variables, conditions etc…

That said, I am not familair with a lot of the notation in powershell.

I have a specific task I would like to get really good at… but not necessarily have to learn more of Powershell than is required to start. Once I can do the bascis, I will probably venture out.

My responsibiltites involve using the Invoke-RestMethod API function, and then manipulating the data returned (not show certian data returned, present the data in a file, or into montioring tools etc…)

What are some resources that could focus on my needs in powershell?
(Examples of all the differtn ways API’s can return JSON data, how to manipulate that JSON data) etc. I do well when there is an exmaple I can pull from and modify.

Thank you !

Got to learn to walk before you can run. Same could be said of Powershell you should learn the basics since that will help you with your request and in all things you may do with Powershell.

Get-Help Invoke-RequestMethod -Full
Get-Help *JSON*

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