REST_API call Request

Hi All,

I am new to here and requesting you to achieve to get the data over RESTAPI from application using power shell script,


I don’t know where do I start my level, can any one please post some example to write for calling (getting) the data from application over rest method with credential method,





You can do Get-Help Invoke-RestMethod -Online from a PowerShell console where it can connect to public network.


This is my scenario, we have some restapi query to get the result from application, like

( of it, operating system of it, cpu of it, id of it, last report time of it) of bes computers)

if I run this query from my application support tool it should ask credential (user name: xxxxx & password: XXXXX) then will display the result in txt file

so using power shell how do write the condition to call this method, please any example help me to get more,






Help online should give you enough examples. Please read the entire help document to have better clarity.
hint: -Credential

There are enough examples and be sure to check out the developers documentation. I included a link to a recent script where I use the Meraki API. The GUI is great of the web interface but if you want to do stuff in bulk Powershell is the way to go :).