Invoke-WebRequest Working with Json

So I have been trying to learn more about working with APIs and wanted to try and connect with the myGetpocket account app API. When I get the content back it seems to be in a Json format and each item received is a new

System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject and each article is a NoteProperty. 
 TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject

Results of | Get Member
Name        MemberType   Definition                                                                                         
----        ----------   ----------                                                                                         
Equals      Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj)                                                                     
GetHashCode Method       int GetHashCode()                                                                                  
GetType     Method       type GetType()                                                                                     
ToString    Method       string ToString()                                                                                  
1000085475  NoteProperty System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject 1000085475=@{item_id=1000085475; resolved_id=1000085...

$auturi = ''
$inv = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $auturi -Body $data 

So if I run $inv.list in ISE it starts to populate with all of note Properties like 1000085475 and If I choose one then I get the information that I need.
Like so

item_id        : 1000085475
resolved_id    : 1000085475
given_url      :
given_title    : 
favorite       : 0
status         : 0
time_added     : 1445362357
time_updated   : 1448913158
time_read      : 0
time_favorited : 0
sort_id        : 187
resolved_title : (In Progress) PowerShell Script I use to customize my machines in the same way for privacy, search, UI, 
                 etc. · GitHub
resolved_url   :
excerpt        : Windows10-Setup.
is_article     : 1
is_index       : 0
has_video      : 0
has_image      : 0
word_count     : 712

Any clue how I can iterate through all of the objects to create a new object and work with the data as needed ? I have been trying mutiple foreach-object methods and I can’t seem to figure it out.

I have also tried using Convertfrom-Json and Convertto-Json , Export-Clixml for a different way to work with the data.

Thanks for any help.

Something like this:

And Trevors latest movie with GitHub as an example, still nice to see how its done.

Thanks for the comment Arie, actually Trevor’s Github video is were I got the idea. I will go back and revisit that video and thank you for the other link, much appreciated.

Here is the documentation: I think the problem is that each article is returned as a separate object.

data = @{
contentType = 'article'
}  | ConvertTo-Json

$auturi = ''
$Rest =  Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $auturi -Body $data -ContentType 'application/json'

item_id        : 1001374664
resolved_id    : 1001374664
given_url      :
given_title    : 
favorite       : 0
status         : 0
time_added     : 1448414321
time_updated   : 1448414322
time_read      : 0
time_favorited : 0
sort_id        : 143
resolved_title : Windows 10 Edge can't be opened using the built-in administrator account
resolved_url   :
excerpt        : With the release of Windows 10 today, many are spinning up VMs and loading the new workstation on test 
                 boxes to take a look at the final build version. If you are like me, one of the first things I wanted to 
                 test drive was the final release build of the Edge browswer.
is_article     : 1
is_index       : 0
has_video      : 0
has_image      : 1
word_count     : 368

Not necessarily. Your example just asks for a specific item as you pass its number in the request.

The link you did provide shows a request for a set of items (count=10 and also limited by status) and they mention towards the end that you should use the since and count to limit the returned results, which is logical, http does have its limits on the payload.

You can most likely get a list of item I’d put that in an object variable or array and then iterate on it with a second Invoke-WebRequest

I wish there was a thanks button. But thanks again Arie, I tried that method as well it resulted in the same thing. It was really more for a learning experience so no biggie. I think I will learn with github and Trevors example.