how to iterate over all elements of each group in powershell

I have a input csv file as below

Loginname AtlasOrgname Projectname Dbname roleName
usera organisation1 project1 marketing read
usera organisation1 project1 sales read
userb organisation1 project2 sales read
userb organisation1 project2 marketing read
I have created groups as below, code is as below
$inputfile = Import-Csv -path $csvfile
$groups=$inputfile|Group-Object loginname,Projectname,AtlasOrgname|Select-Object @{n='loginname';e={$_.Group[0].loginname}},
$groups | ForEach-Object { 
  $dbname = $_.Dbname
  $usrname = $_.loginname
   write-Host "databaseName:" $dbname "," "roleName:" $rolename "," "projectname" $prjname "," "username" $usrname
In the Output , i am able to see only first record of each group , how can i loop over all records in each group
To be more specific,Inside each group ,How can i iterate over each record of each group
My plan is to use Invoke-RestMethod for each record in each group and then after processing all records in a group ,i want to use Send-MailMessage function at the end of each group instead of each record
can some one please help , how can i iterate over each record in each group , Thank you


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Thanks in advance.

What would be the desired output? Why don’t you simply iterate over all elements in input file?

When Powershell imports your file on line #1 it creates an object of your values in your sheet so you can just iterate over that variable(object).

$inputfile = Import-Csv -path $csvfile

Foreach($row in $inputFile){