So i have this a csv file, similar to one below
I would like to be able to get an output for each user with both of their phone numbers and email addresses - just once. So a little story behind this, someone from my company would like to send a single email with the info that’s in the csv file. I’ve tried foreach user but that’s sending multiple emails. Is there a way to send just one message containing both email addresses and phone numbers?
I don’t need help with send-mailmessage, just getting this damn data in a single email (per user) is giving me a headache!
Thanks in advance
What have you tried so far? Can you show some code you have tried?
Something like this should work for you.
Import-Csv .\test.csv | Group-Object -Property user | ForEach-Object {$ ; Send-MailMessage -Body $($ -Subject $($}
Below is a working example.
$csvoutput = "user,phonenumber,emailaddress user1,3219873452, user2,7651239876, user1,3211234321, user2,7651233214, " -split "`n" $csvoutput | ConvertFrom-Csv | Group-Object -Property user | ForEach-Object {$}
random commandline, thank you, perhaps i didn’t explain it in right.
I’m looking for something that would look like this:
user1 3219873452
user2 7651239876
# create empty output file (no leftovers from previous runs) $outFile = New-Item -ItemType File -Path . -Name test.txt -Force # read in the input list and create a group collection based on user $users = Import-Csv -Path .\test.csv | Group-Object -Property user foreach ($user in $users) { # first (default) entry per user $out = "$($user.Group[0].user) $($user.Group[0].phonenumber) $($user.Group[0].emailaddress)" # append additional shortened entries for the same user for ($i = 1; $i -le $user.Count; $i++) { $out = "$out`n$($user.Group[$i].phonenumber) $($user.Group[$i].emailaddress)".TrimEnd() } # update the output file Add-Content -Path $outFile -Value $out }
If there will never be more than two entries then the for loop can be replaced with a simple ‘if’ statement and the index ($i) hardcoded to 1. But this version will work with any number of entries per user.