Foreach logic question

I have a CSV that has the following column headings:

UserID Name GroupName LogonRestrictions

UserID is the sAMAccountName.

GroupName is the name of an AD group

LogonRestrictions is a machine name.

My current script is as follows:

$inputFile = “\NP1SECR016v\SECRpt\LogonRestrictionConfig\SSLVPN_Users.csv”

$complist = Import-Csv -Path $inputFile | ForEach-Object {$_.Logonrestrictions}

foreach($comp in $complist){

$comparray += “,”+$comp


Set-ADUser -Identity “H139616” -LogonWorkstations $comparray

#End Script

this works great if all the records are for the same UserID. However, the csv that I am given has multiple user accounts. In other words the first 10 records will be for userA with a unique logonrestriction value (10 unique computer names). The next 20 records will be for user B with an entirely different list of computer names. I have like 27 unique user IDs and the total record count is 1800.

Is there a clever way to built the $comparray for the first unique user ID then run the set-aduser command and then build the $comparray for the next unique user ID and so on and so on?

You’ll probably want to use the Group-Object command. Something along these lines:

$inputFile = "\\NP1SECR016v\SECRpt\LogonRestrictionConfig\SSLVPN_Users.csv"

$data = Import-Csv -Path $inputFile

$userGroups = $data | Group-Object -Property UserID

foreach ($userGroup in $userGroups)
    $comparray = $userGroup.Group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LogonRestrictions
    $complist = $comparray -join ','

    Set-ADUser -Identity $userGroup.Name -LogonWorkstations $complist

Dave - this is exactly what I needed. Excellent! One more question, is it possible to do group-object nesting?

The object of the scrip is to do the following…

for each unique user:

  1. Add the machines listed in the LogonRestrictions column to the LogonRestrictions attribute

  2. Add the user account to the groups listed in the GroupName column.

Note: the GroupName might have the group name value repeated (same value) or it could be a different value. So I guess I would use the group-object to pull the unique values from the GroupName column.

Does that make sense?

You can have nested loops and nested calls to Group-Object if you like, but what you’re describing doesn’t sound like you need a second call to Group-Object. Instead, for each user, you just want to create a list of unique computer names and group names (which can be done with Select-Object, rather than Group-Object). For example:

$inputFile = "\\NP1SECR016v\SECRpt\LogonRestrictionConfig\SSLVPN_Users.csv"
$data = Import-Csv -Path $inputFile
$userGroups = $data | Group-Object -Property UserID
foreach ($userGroup in $userGroups)
    $comparray = $userGroup.Group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LogonRestrictions -Unique
    $complist = $comparray -join ','
    Set-ADUser -Identity $userGroup.Name -LogonWorkstations $complist

    $groupArray = $userGroup.Group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty GroupName -Unique
    Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $userGroup.Name -MemberOf $groupArray

Very clean. Thank you Dave :slight_smile: