How to convert a password in a securestring to use it in an other script.

I am trying to make a script which runs automatic. It have to open an remote session. But there I have troble with the credentials.
I saved them to pw.txt. But if I want to use them it wont work.
How can I fix that?

Thanks for help.

#save the password
read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\temp\pw.txt

#use the password
$pass = cat C:\temp\pw.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString
$mycred = new-object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "Domain\Userl", $pass

New-PSSession -ComputerName dc -Credential $mycred

This works ok for me. What error are you getting?

I work across four domains so here is what I use. it will get the FQDN and pull the server name off leaving you with just the domain then build the file for credentials for each domain encountered… I know its a bit long winded but im a newbie.

      # Begin load Credentials
$serverdomain = ("$($Server.Split(".")[-2])." + "$($Server.Split(".")[-1])")
    if(!(test-path "C:\temp\encrypted.csv")){
        if(!(test-path "c:\temp")) {MD "C:\temp"}
             $secure = Get-Credential -Message  "Please provide a password for $serverdomain\" -UserName "$serverdomain\"
            $username = $secure.UserName
            $password = convertfrom-securestring -secureString $secure.Password -key (1..16)
            $hashedcredentials.add($username, $password)
            $outputtable = $hashedcredentials.GetEnumerator() | foreach{ New-Object PSObject -Property([ordered]@{Username = $_.Name;Password = $_.Value})}
            $outputtable | Export-Csv c:\temp\encrypted.csv -NoTypeInformation

$credentials = Import-Csv "C:\temp\encrypted.csv"  
    $adminname = $credentials | ?{$_.username -like "*$serverdomain*"} | %{$_.username}
    $password = $credentials | ?{$_.username -like "*$serverdomain*"} | %{$_.password} | convertto-securestring -key (1..16)  

 $cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $adminname,$password

Thanks a lot.
Looks great! I try it tomorrow.

Im also an very newbie…
The script doesnt work.
Ive only set the $Server variable. But it looks like i have to set also the $hashedcredentials variable. How does it look?

your right I forgot to include this at the top of the script.
$hashedcredentials = @{}

This is what you want…


$hashedcredentials = @{}

Foreach($Server in $Servers){
$serverdomain = ("$($Server.Split(".")[-2])." + "$($Server.Split(".")[-1])") 

    ######################################Domain Credentials#################################################
if(test-path "C:\temp\encrypted.csv"){
$credentials = Import-Csv "C:\temp\encrypted.csv"
$adminname = $credentials | ?{$_.username -like "*$serverdomain*"} | %{$_.username}
$password = $credentials | ?{$_.username -like "*$serverdomain*"} | %{$_.password} | convertto-securestring -key (1..16)
    if($adminname -eq $null){
            $secure = Get-Credential -Message  "Please provide a password for $serverdomain\" -UserName "$serverdomain\"
            $username = $secure.UserName
            $password = convertfrom-securestring -secureString $secure.Password -key (1..16)
            $hashedcredentials.add($username, $password)
            $outputtable = $hashedcredentials.GetEnumerator() | foreach{ New-Object PSObject -Property([ordered]@{Username = $_.Name;Password = $_.Value})}
            $outputtable | Export-Csv c:\temp\encrypted.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation 
            $credentials = Import-Csv "C:\temp\encrypted.csv" 
            $adminname = $credentials | ?{$_.username -like "*$serverdomain*"} | %{$_.username}
            $password = $credentials | ?{$_.username -like "*$serverdomain*"} | %{$_.password} | convertto-securestring -key (1..16) 
        $cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $adminname,$password

You’ve made my day! Thanks alot!