i have again a question.
I tried to find out the e-mail with the username of a person and i wrote a script which should read the e-mails out.
For this i have a list with usernames: @{Extra} @{hofdo} @{Kunfa} @{KIP} and here is the script: foreach-object{
if($Owner -ne “Extra”){
$User = Get-WmiObject -Query “SELECT * FROM ds_user where ds_sAMAccountName=‘$Owner’” -Namespace “root\Directory\LDAP”
$Email = $user.DS_mail
I use Windows 7 and Powershell 2.0
I don’t know where the mistake could be
If you can help please answer me
There’s not enough context there to see what you’re trying to do. You can’t start a pipeline with ForEach-Object, though; are you piping something into it? Or did you mean that to be a foreach statement, rather than the ForEach-Object cmdlet?
Here’s what I think your code is trying to do (though I don’t know what variable name your list of owners is in, or what type of data is in there. This sample code assumes a simple collection of strings.)
foreach ($owner in $ownerList)
if ($owner -ne 'Extra')
$user = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM ds_user where ds_sAMAccountName='$owner'" -Namespace 'root\Directory\LDAP'
# In your previous code, you just assigned the user's email address to an $email variable inside the loop, but didn't do anything with it.
# Here, I'll just send it as output.