Getting a no result on foreach with Get-WMIObject

I have a list of sharenames in a text file not the unc paths.
for example,


I am trying to get a listing of shares thru WMI (as the server i am working on has powershell v2 old I know but its all i have at the moment) so i can match the corresponding path:

name path:

Tomcooks$ e:\users\tomcooks

I am looking for the path directory.

I did a test on a single user

Get-wmiobject win32_share -filter “name = ‘tomcook’”

I get the correct result for one user.

So now i want to pass it through a text file so I write out like below:

cat "C:\Users\tanw-admin\Desktop\disabledusers2.txt"| foreach-object {get-wmiobject win32_share -filter "name = '$_'"}

But in Powershell it comes back with no result.

i tried this:

$filenames = cat "C:\Users\tanw-admin\Desktop\disabledusers2.txt"

 foreach ($share in $filenames) {
 get-wmiobject win32_share -filter 'name = $share'

Same thing, what gives? Thanks for any help

Hi Wei-Yen,
I have just tested your first example, and it works fine for me with multiple entries in the text file.
The second example also works with a bit of tweaking, just some syntactical things on the filter - which you had correct in the first example.
(Obviously I changed the file location on my pc)

$filenames = cat "C:\shares.txt"
 foreach ($share in $filenames) {
 get-wmiobject win32_share -filter "name = '$share'"

Also just to clarify, you say in the text file you have the share name as Tomcooks$.
In your working test you just have ‘tomcooks’. That might be a typo in the question, but I thought I’d mention it in case the sharenames in your list don’t match the actual share names.


Hey Wei-Yen

In the beginning, I got the same result as yours, nothing. Then I use trace-command to trace the details and found that there are some space after the sharename.

trace-command -PSHost -name ParameterBinding -Expression{

gc C:\temp\aaa.txt |
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_share -Filter “name =‘$temp’”



after I trim the space, it’ll be good.


Thanks Yuan Li, that was the problem