I am trying to upgrade my Az powershell module from 3.1 to 3.8.0 and i get the error as shown below. I tried the same from VS Code, still the same. Can anyone help me to fix this please
PS C:\Users\palchakraborty> install-module -Name az -force
Install-Package: C:\Users\palchakraborty\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:9709
Line |
9709 | … talledPackages = PackageManagement\Install-Package @PSBoundParameters
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| The module ‘Az.Accounts’ cannot be installed or updated because the authenticode signature of the file ‘Az.Accounts.psd1’ is not valid.
PS C:\Users\palchakraborty>