Get-Help Get-InstalledScript -Online opens Internet Explorer



PSVersion 5.1.19041.1682
PSVersion 7.2.4

Stable release 7.2.4 / May 17, 2022
Preview release v7.3.0-preview.3 / March 21, 2022

If I had a question it would be, “How do we set powershell to ask what browser to use”?

Unbelievable, I runs this command, ‘Get-Help Get-InstalledScript -Online’ and Internet Explorer pops up.

The Internet Explorer sits in C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer duh! I never thought much of it. But the kicker here is that when I look into Settings then Apps and features it does not show up. If I look in Control Panel and Programs and Features it does not show up. I do not now why Internet Explorer is still on this pc.

Now there is Powershell calling Internet Explorer in 2022.

Is the 7.3.0-preview.3 still gonna have this problem?
Someone should get that corrected!

Thanks for your time in advance!


Get-help - online uses the default web browser. Change it in Windows settings to e.g. Chrome and it will be open in Chrome :wink:


Yea, the default web browser app was not Internet Explorer.
I set the default browser to Chrome as per your instruction and powershell is opening calling Internet Explorer.

That’s actually not a PowerShell issue … more a system configuration issue on your system. When I run Get-Help <any cmdlet> -Online my Chrome browser pops up because it is my default browser.


The fix here was:
Method 4 - Using Windows Features with DISM (client and server systems)
Using powershell to correct the issue as Internet explorer is not found in the settings under Default apps or Optional features. Now, I get the pop-up dialog to choose which browser.

The script:
dism /online /Remove-Capability /CapabilityName:Browser.InternetExplorer~~~~