Factory Reset my laptop now PowerShell isnt working right

Hello to all … So let me start with I am just getting into tec and I start school in Jan but in the meantime I am taking the Google It course through Coursera so with that said , I recently factory reset my laptop and now my powershell is not wanting to update it keeps giving me a error each time I try to update I will post it below… Side note when I factory reset I installed a new version of powershell and after the 3 error message I uninstalled the powershell and reinstalled it but it changed nothing I am currently running win 11 on a asus gaming laptop a17 in case the info is needed … Thanks in advance !!

This feels more like a Windows support forum post to be honest. This forum is more for help with Powershell code.

Posting what Powershell version you are trying to use and what the error message is exactly would help.

where’s the error?
This forum is mostly about actual Powershell code and help writing Powershell code. What you’re describing sounds more like general Windows computer/software issues. But even so, you gotta give us something to work with.
This is a really good opportunity to learn something valuable that applies to all IT disciplines: learning how to ask good questions. Whether your just doing a search for your problem, or posting online looking for help, having relevant info can get you a long ways.

Update-Help Failed to update
Help for the module(s) ‘ConfigDefender, ConfigDefender Performance, Dism, Get-NetView,
Ads, NetQos, Pester, PKI, StorageBusCache, VMDirectStorage, Whea, WindowsUpdate’ with UI culture(s) {e
-US}: Unable
to retrieve the HelpInfo XML file for UI culture en-US. Make sure the HelpInfoUri property in the modu
Le manifest is
valid or check your network connection and then try the command again.
At line: 1 char:1

  • Update-Help
  • CategoryInfo : ResourceUnavailable: (:slight_smile: [Update-Help], Exception
    and + FullyQualifiedErrorId: UnableToRetrieveHelpInfoXml, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands. UpdateHel.pComm
    PS C:\Users\BOODA> c

i was on with a support rep from microsoft and they ran a series of codes or had me run the commands and then thye went to my settings and the disables the startup in system config and then my device restarted and it is still not fixed but i read a forum from someone ill attach it

Well that’s just saying there are no help files for some of the modules which I think everyone will have the same error. Basically it’s a non-issue or expected output of Update-Help. Nothing is really broken.


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