Create a folder structure from an Excel-file or similar


I’m working on copying data from one AD to another and among the tasks is to organize and prepopulate empty folder structures preconfigured with correct permissions as well.

I know that I can use the New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path 'Directory\SubDirectory\SubSubDirectory' to recursively create an entire straight path, but if I need to create more than one Subdirectory or SubSubDirectory in each TopDirectory I’m feeling a bit lost.

In Linux the mkdir command supports brace expansion so you could for instance do this:
mkdir -p Directory\SubDirectory-{HR,Sales,Purchasing}\SubSubDirectory{1..3} allowing me to simultaneously create three Subdirectories for different departments with each containing three numbered SubSubDirectories.

I’m getting information about the folder structure in Excel-files.

Example of structure:


As you can see each level contains unique values, so I can’t rely on simple numbering or similar.
I’ve previously built a script for creating a template for POSH modules using a relatively simple foreach, but that reuses the same structure everytime except for the TopDirectory Name, so it feels like it doesn’t match up to this.

foreach is probably the way to go but can we have some sample data to understand the structure of your Excel (CSV?) document? All I see is a blurry screenshot.

Sorry, I can’t show the exact structure, so I hoped the example list below the blurred out screenshot would be clear enough.
I added in some dummy data in a copy instead.
The TopDirectories are the Light blue ones below the Title “Company (300)”, SubDirectories are the ones in a darker blue below the title “Department (400)”. Unit (500) is skipped entirely so finally the SubSubDirectories are the ones below “Location (600)”

I’ll also need to set permissions on two levels “Company (300)” and “Location (600)” once the folders are created.

OK, that’s a pain to process in PowerShell. If this was my task, I’d be dragging those cells in Excel to populate the empty ones, saving it as a CSV and keeping the PowerShell code simple:

$data = @'
Corp1,Sales,Unit Sales DK,HR
Corp1,Sales,Unit Sales DK,Economy
Corp1,Sales,Unit Sales DK,Management
Corp1,Sales,Unit Sales DK,Staff
Corp1,Care,Accomodations,Acc High Street
Corp1,Care,Accomodations,Acc Downtown
Corp1,Care,Accomodations,Acc London

$csv = $data | ConvertFrom-Csv

foreach ($row in $csv) {

    $path = "$($row.Company)/$($row.Department)/$($row.Location)"
    New-Item -Path "E:\$path" -ItemType Directory


For the permissions, the scripting should also be fairly simple but this is another task where having the planned paths and permissions in a CSV file will really help you. It also has the advantage of being your documentation.

This is not tested:

$data = @'
E:\Corp1\Care\Acc High Street,CORP1\AccHighStreetUsers,Modify

$csv = $data | ConvertFrom-Csv

foreach ($folder in $csv) {

    $acl = Get-ACl $folder.Path
    $identity = $folder.Group
    $fileSystemRights = $folder.Permission
    $type = "Allow"
    $fileSystemAccessRuleArgumentList = $identity, $fileSystemRights, $type
    $fileSystemAccessRule = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList $fileSystemAccessRuleArgumentList
    Set-ACL -Path $folder.Path

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Thank you, it was basically what I expected.
With some hands-on work I massaged the Excel-file into something I could export as a CSV and used your ForEach as a template.
Will continue on Monday, but I feel I have a good handle on it for now.