Compare columns between 2 files and delete non common columns and data


I have a bunch of files in folder A and their corresponding metadata files in folder B. I want to loop though the data files and check if the columns are the same in the metadata file. If the columns in both match, no action to is to be taken. If Data file has more columns than metadata file, then those columns should be deleted from incoming data file.


Data file is ps_job.dat


Meta data file is ps_job_metadata.dat


I want my output to be



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$outputFile = “C:\Users\Abdul\Desktop\Script_test\ps_job_mod.dat”

$sample = Import-Csv -Path “C:\Users\Abdul\Desktop\Script_test\ps_job.dat” -Delimiter ‘|’

$metadataLine = Get-Content -Path “C:\Users\Abdul\Desktop\Script_test\ps_job_metadata.txt” -First 1

$desiredColumns = $metadataLine.Split(“|”).Replace(“`”“,”")

$sample | select $desiredColumns | Export-Csv $outputFile -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ‘|’

Well at least he shared his solution from his cross posting. I was able to edit his formatting there. Oh well here is just another way in case someone needs it. I’m going to guess it’s much faster than the select-object method on very large datasets.

Please note the phrase BACKTICKGOESHERE - replace it with the backtick character. I’m not sure how to escape it in this forum.

$jobfile    = "ps_job.dat"
$metafile   = "ps_job_metdata.dat"
$outputfile = "some_file.csv"

$meta = ((Get-Content $metafile -First 1 -Encoding UTF8) -split '\|').Trim('"')

Class ColumnSelector : System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary {

        $meta | foreach{$this.add("$_",(iex "BACKTICKGOESHERE$line.$_"))}

import-csv $jobfile -Delimiter '|' | 
    foreach{[pscustomobject]([columnselector]::new($_,$meta))} | 
        Export-CSV $outputfile -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter '|'


Get-Content $outputfile

There has to be a simpler solution.

Provided you want to keep those curly quotes and your code page supports all the characters, you can do the following:

# Create array of properties delimited by |
$headers = (Get-Content .\ps_job_metadata.dat -Encoding UTF8) -split '\|'
Import-Csv ps_job.dat -Delimiter '|' -Encoding utf8 | Select-Object $headers