Certificate install Problem

I am trying to install a certificate for a website under a dsc push installation. I keep getting this error…

PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_xPfxImport failed to execute Test-TargetResource functionality with error message:
Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘Thumbprint’. ‘‎b748609391b8ccf7f79b9920112b527d15124a7e’ is not a valid hash.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:slight_smile: , CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ProviderOperationExecutionFailure
+ PSComputerName :

This is the code I am running
AriesThumbprint = ‘‎b748609391b8ccf7f79b9920112b527d15124a7e’ # Aries wildcard cert
AriesCertPath = ‘D:\Supporttools\Certificates\LogViewer.pfx’ # path to the Aries “Server” cert
AriesCredential = ‘LogViewer’
CertLocation = ‘LocalMachine’

xPfxImport SiteCert
Thumbprint = $Node.AriesThumbprint
Path = $Node.AriesCertPath
Location = $Node.CertLocation
Store = $Node.CertStoreName
Credential = $AriesCredential
Exportable = $true
Ensure = ‘Present’
DependsOn = @(‘[WindowsFeature]IIS’)

The xCertificate module is version is version

It’s got to be something simple I am overlooking. Any Ideas?
Thanks for any help,

Can you verify that the thumbprint shows up correctly when you use the CERT: drive on the node, and that it shows up in the Machine store on the node?

The thumbprint does not show up on the node at all. I am installing a website on the server and I am using this cert to encrypt traffic to that site. So it exists only on the machine I am running the configuration from.

Ok, gotcha.

So… the Credential might be the problem. I’m having some trouble following the code in the resource, though - have you considered reaching out to the author, at xPfxImport DSC Resource for Importing Certificates and Keys?

I have taken your advice and asked my question of Briantist.

Hi Ed,

Did you get anywhere with this - I have a very similar issue. For the xCertificate resources fails with the same issue BUT ONLY when its runs immediately after a resource which downloads the cert. If I run the configuration on its own (eg don’t download but use the local file) it imports fine. Its driving me crazy

Hi Ed,

Is the path of the pfx file on the server you are trying to import the cert?

I was able to import the cert by including the PsDscRunAsCredential in the xPfxImport resource, but I did that as I am importing the certificate from a network location.

Hope this helps.