xWebAdministration problem

I got this issue when trying to pull a website configuration from my pull server.

Job {A5BE771F-2C05-11E7-80C5-00155DA7BE14} : 
MIResult: 1
Error Message: Cannot find module xWebAdministration_1.17.0.0 from the server http://qfrspvsma002:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc/Modules(ModuleName='xWebAdministration',ModuleVersion='')/ModuleContent.
Message ID: WebDownloadManagerModuleNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Commands.GetDscModuleCommand
Error Category: 21
Error Code: 1
Error Type: MI

here is my website configuration:

Configuration service
param ($Machine)
Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration


Node $Machine
#Install the IIS Role
 # Install the IIS role
        WindowsFeature IIS
            Ensure          = 'Present'
            Name            = 'Web-Server'

        # Install the ASP .NET 4.5 role
        WindowsFeature AspNet45
            Ensure          = 'Present'
            Name            = 'Web-Asp-Net45'

        # Stop the default website
        xWebsite DefaultSite 
            Ensure          = 'Present'
            Name            = 'Default Web Site'
            State           = 'Stopped'
            PhysicalPath    = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot'
            DependsOn       = '[WindowsFeature]IIS'

        # Copy the website content
        File WebContent
            Ensure          = 'Present'
            SourcePath      = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot'
            DestinationPath = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot'
            Recurse         = $true
            Type            = 'Directory'
            DependsOn       = '[WindowsFeature]AspNet45'

        # Create the new Website
        xWebsite NewWebsite
            Ensure          = 'Present'
            Name            = 'site1'
            State           = 'Started'
            PhysicalPath    = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot'
            DependsOn       = '[File]WebContent'

service –Machine “server2"

And my LCM Config

configuration PullClient
    Node localhost
            RefreshMode = 'Pull'
            RefreshFrequencyMins = 30 
            RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true
            ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyAndMonitor'
            ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = 15
        ConfigurationRepositoryWeb DSC-Pull
            ServerURL = 'http://site:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc'
            RegistrationKey = 'mykey'
            ConfigurationNames = @('service')
            AllowUnsecureConnection = $true #Use this parameter only if you do not have a certificate installed on the pull server

        ReportServerWeb DSC-Pull
            ServerURL = 'http://site:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc'
            RegistrationKey = 'mykey'
            AllowUnsecureConnection = $true
Set-DSCLocalConfigurationManager localhost –Path .\PullClient –Verbose -Force


Hi Arnold,

Did you copy the xWebAdministration_1.17.0.0.zip file with the checksum file to the C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules Folder? LCM is trying to download the module from this location if the module is not installed on the target machine.
See here for details: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/pullserver#dsc-resource-module-package-format

Hi Brian,

Thank you for your help.

I copy the xWebAdministration_1.17.0.0.zip file with the checksum file to the C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules Folder but still have the same errors.

Have you any idea?



I fix the issue. I missed one letter in the module name ^o
