Hi! I have run into a XML problem(Not yet good enough to contribute, hopefully, I will be someday!). I have used the get-content cmdlet and opened up a file in xml using [xml], stuck it in a $variabel and so forth. Managed to address two nodes and change the value by drilling down the hierarchy to…childnodes.Item(nr). No problem so fare, but what about hte third node, a node named “XmlDefinition”? This is of type string containing some CAML(I think) and two “values” I would like to replace (I use the file in SP deployments). The node and the string looks like this:
<View Name="{IwanttoreplacethisGUID}" MobileView="TRUE" Type="HTML" Hidden="TRUE" DisplayName="" Url="IwanttoreplacethisURL" Level="1" BaseViewID="1" ContentTypeID="0x" ImageUrl="/_layouts/15/images/dlicon.png?rev=43" >30clienttemplates.jsmain.xsl
Question: How would I address ONLY the 2 highlighted pieces of information, replace the GUID and the URL, save the file, using just PowerShell? I have tried getting to it by innertext,data and outerxml and use the replace operator, but no luck. It’s not a big deal if it does no work - I get the job done by get-content and set-content, but I dont think this is the right approach.
I am just pissed off by this IT brick wall.
Well, there you have it…
Wish you all well