Why is my code running twice inside my TestScript section

Can someone please help me with the following

I am using Azure Automation DSC in a LAB, I have once Azure VM on-boarded to Azure Automation DSC

I am finding it quite flaky at the moment (not reliable), unless I am doing something wrong

for example if I run the following PowerShell as a function

function CheckWindowsFeatures {
 begin {
  $AllowedFeatures = @("BitLocker", "EnhancedStorage", "FileAndStorage-Services", "NET-Framework-45-Core", "NET-Framework-45-Features", "NET-WCF-Services45", "NET-WCF-TCP-PortSharing45", "PowerShell", "PowerShell-ISE", "PowerShellRoot", "Storage-Services", "System-DataArchiver", "Windows-Defender", "WoW64-Support", "XPS-Viewer")
  $InstalledWindowsFeatures = (Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object { $_.Installed } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
  $OFS = ","
  return @{ 'Installed Features' = $InstalledWindowsFeatures }
 process {
  Write-Verbose "Checking Windows Features/Roles"
  $AdditionalFeatures = $MissingFeatures = $false
  $Comparison = @(Compare-Object $using:AllowedFeatures $InstalledWindowsFeatures | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "=>" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject)
  if ($Comparison.Count)
   $AdditionalFeatures = $true
   $WarningMessage = "Found $($Comparison.Count) Windows Features/Roles which are not on the allowed list of Windows Features. The list of these additons is as follows`r`n$($Comparison | Out-String)"
   Write-Verbose $WarningMessage
   Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Message $WarningMessage -Source "Application" -EntryType Warning -EventId 102
  $Comparison2 = @(Compare-Object $using:AllowedFeatures $InstalledWindowsFeatures | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "<=" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject)
  if ($Comparison2.Count)
   $MissingFeatures = $true
   $WarningMessage = "Found $($Comparison2.Count) Missing Windows Features/Roles which should be installed but are not. The list of missing features/roles is as follows`r`n$($Comparison2 | Out-String)"
   Write-Verbose $WarningMessage
   Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Message $WarningMessage -Source "Application" -EntryType Warning -EventId 103
  if ($AdditionalFeatures -or $MissingFeatures) { return $false }
  else { return $true }
 end {
  $string = [string]"Not set this items via script by design"
  Write-Verbose $string

It runs and I see two entries on my Windows Event log, one to tell me the E: drive is missing and another to tell me my C: drive is the wrong size (as expected)

If I run the same code using DSC I set the above entries in my event log, however I get them twice so I end up with four entries in my event log (which I do not want as there is only two issues to log). Here is my DSC code

Configuration MtConfig01
 Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
 Node localhost
  Script CheckDiskVolumes {
   GetScript = { Return @{
     Result = [string]$(Get-CimInstance Win32_Volume -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object DriveLetter, DriveType, Capacity, FreeSpace, Label, FileSystem, BootVolume, Compressed, SerialNumber | Out-String)
    } }
   TestScript = {
    $VolumesDriveLettersCompliant = $VolumeSizeCompliant = $true
    $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
    $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    $DriveLetterArray = @("C:", "D:", "E:")
    $Script:Volumes = Get-CimInstance Win32_Volume -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object DriveLetter, DriveType, @{ l = 'CapacityGB'; e = { [System.Math]::Round(($_.Capacity / 1gb), 2) } }, @{ l = 'FreeSpaceGB'; e = { [System.Math]::Round(($_.FreeSpace / 1gb), 2) } }, Label, FileSystem, BootVolume, Compressed, SerialNumber
    foreach ($Volume in ($Volumes | Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter })) {
     #region check for missing or additional volumes
      # look for additiional drives
     if ($DriveLetterArray -notcontains $Volume.DriveLetter)
      $WarningMessage = "Found the following Volume Drive Letter $($Volume.DriveLetter) on computer $ComputerName it should NOT be present`r`nThe allowed drive letters are`r`n$($DriveLetterArray | Out-String), please investigate and resolve."
      Write-Verbose $WarningMessage
      Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Message $WarningMessage -Source "Application" -EntryType Warning -EventId 99
      $VolumesDriveLettersCompliant = $false
     #endregion check for missing or additional volumes
     #region check drive sizes
     if ($Volume.DriveLetter -eq "C:" -and ($Volume.CapacityGB -lt 200 -or $Volume.CapacityGB -gt 220))
      $WarningMessage = "Disk Volume C: should be 200 GB in size but the actual size is $($Volume.CapacityGB) GB"
      Write-Verbose $WarningMessage
      Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Message $WarningMessage -Source "Application" -EntryType Warning -EventId 101
      $VolumeSizeCompliant = $false
     if ($Volume.DriveLetter -eq "E:" -and ($Volume.CapacityGB -lt 200 -or $Volume.CapacityGB -gt 220))
      $WarningMessage = "Disk Volume E: should be 200 GB in size but the actual size is $($Volume.CapacityGB) GB"
      Write-Verbose $WarningMessage
      Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Message $WarningMessage -Source "Application" -EntryType Warning -EventId 101
      $VolumeSizeCompliant = $false
     #endregion check drive sizes
     # look for missing drives
    if (@($Volumes | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter) -notcontains "C:") { Write-Verbose "C: drive volume missing"; $MissingDrive += "C:" }
    if (@($Volumes | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter) -notcontains "D:") { Write-Verbose "D: drive volume missing"; $MissingDrive += "D:" }
    if (@($Volumes | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter) -notcontains "E:") { Write-Verbose "E: drive volume missing"; $MissingDrive += "E:" }
    if ($MissingDrive.count)
     $WarningMessage = "The following drive volume letter/s are missing $($MissingDrive | Out-String)"
     Write-Verbose $WarningMessage
     Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Message $WarningMessage -Source "Application" -EntryType Warning -EventId 100
     $VolumesDriveLettersCompliant = $false
    if (!$VolumesDriveLettersCompliant -or !$VolumeSizeCompliant) { return $false }
    else { return $true }
   # Returns nothing            
   SetScript = {
    $string = [string]"Not set this items via script by design"
    Write-Verbose $string
I do not understand why the exact same code when run via DSC produces duplicate events in the event log
Please help :)