Welcome to the SharePoint forum

by ToddKlindt at 2012-08-12 13:24:02

Hello everyone,
My name’s Todd Klindt, and I’ll be one of the moderators here in the SharePoint forum. I would like to take a moment to welcome you to the new SharePoint forum at PowerShell.org.

If you’re going to be any kind of SharePoint administrator you have to be good at PowerShell, or at least know where to find solutions to your problems. Hopefully PowerShell.org will be one of the places you’ll be able to use find solutions to your difficult SharePoint PowerShell issues.

I can’t wait to see what kind of crazy PowerShell things we figure out here.

by iwkid at 2012-08-15 21:52:44
I’d also like to welcome everyone to the SharePoint forum. My name is Raymond Mitchell (iwkid) and I’ll also be a moderator in this forum. I’ve been PowerShelling with SharePoint since 2008. I tend to look at things more from an Object Model / Developer perspective than the traditional Admin PowerSheller. I also cooridnate SharePoSH, a virtual SharePoint + PowerShell User Group. Looking forward to meeting more folks that are working magic with PowerShell and SharePoint!