I am trying to copy an MSI over to multiple servers that are listed in a CSV file and I seem to have an issue with the network location not working. My PowerShell script at the moment looks like this.
#List of servers names in CSV format
$servers = Import-Csv "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\servers.csv"
#Locations for copying
$source = "\\server1\software$\app1.msi"
$destination = "c$\windows\temp"
#Copy App1 Installation File to Server
foreach ($server in $servers){
Copy-Item $source -Destination \\$server\$destination -Recurse -Force
It seems to say that it cannot find the network location, but the UNC path is correct, clearly, I am doing something wrong. Any pointers in the right direction?
Figured it out, so because my CSV file has a header for the column I had to include that into my script.
For example, my header for the column in the CSV file was ServerName so my script looks like this.
#A list of server names in CSV format
$servers = Import-Csv "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\servers.csv"
#Locations for copying
$source = 'M:\software\app1.msi'
$destination = 'c$\windows\temp\'
#Copy App1 Installation File to Server
foreach ($server in $servers.ServerName){
Copy-Item $source -Destination \\$server\$destination -Recurse -Force -Verbose
This has copied the files over to both servers within my CSV file.