Could somebody please help me make this game give out a percentage instead of plain numbers.
bellow is what i am suppose to do:
At the end of the game, statistic are displayed that show the player the number of games won, lost, and tied. In addition to showing the player these raw numbers, consider doing a little arithmetic and providing the player with some percentages (e.g., the percentage of games won, lost, and tied).
Script Name: RockPaperScissors.ps1 (The Rock, Paper, Scissors Game)
Version: 2.0
Author: Ken
Date: October 22, 2013
Description: This PowerShell script challenges the player to beat the
computer in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors
#Clear the Windows command console screen
#Define variables used in this script
$playGame = “True” #This variable controls game play
$number = 0 #This variable stores the numeric version of the
#computer’s move
$guess = 0 #This variable stores the numeric version of the
#player’s move
$playerMove = “” #This variable stores the string version of the
#player’s move
$computerMove = “” #This variable stores the string version of the
#computer’s move
$noPlayed = 0 #This variable keeps track of the number of games
$noWon = 0 #This variable keeps track of the number of games won
$noLost = 0 #This variable keeps track of the number of games lost
$noTied = 0 #This variable keeps track of the number of games tied
#Display the game’s opening screen
Write-Host “n
t`tW E L C O M E T O T H E”
Write-Host “n
t R O C K, P A P E R, S C I S S O R S G A M E”
Write-Host “n
t By Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.”
Write-Host “n
n Press Enter to continue.”
#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key
#Loop until the player guesses the secret number
while ($playGame -ne “False”) {
#Generate the game’s random number (between 1 - 3)
#Value assignment: 1 = Rock, 2 = Paper and 3 = Scissors
$number = Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum 4
#Translate the computer’s move to English
if ($number -eq 1) {$computerMove = “Rock”}
if ($number -eq 2) {$computerMove = “Paper”}
if ($number -eq 3) {$computerMove = “Scissors”}
#Prompt the player to guess a number
while ($guess -eq “”) {
Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen
#Display instructions
Write-Host "<code>n</code>n"
Write-Host " Enter one of the following options:`n"
Write-Host " -----------------------------------`n"
Write-Host " R = Rock"
Write-Host " P = Paper"
Write-Host " S = Scissors"
Write-Host " Q = Quit`n"
Write-Host " -----------------------------------<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n"
#Collect the player's guess
$guess = Read-Host " Make a move"
#Validate the player move
if ($guess -eq “Q”) { #Player has decided to quit playing
Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen
Write-Host "<code>n</code>n"
Write-Host " Game over. Thanks for playing Rock, Paper, Scissors."
Write-Host "<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n<code>n</code>n"
Write-host " Press Enter to view game stats and quit the game."
Read-Host #Pause while the player reads the screen
$playGame = "False" #Set variable to false indicating the game is over
continue #Skip the remainder of the loop
elseif (($guess -ne “R”) -and ($guess -ne “P”) -and ($guess -ne “S”)) {
Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen
Write-Host "<code>n</code>n`n Invalid input. Please try again."
Read-Host #Pause while the player reads the screen
$guess = "" #Clear out the player's previous guess
continue #Skip the remainder of the loop
#Translate the player’s move to English
if ($guess -eq “R”) {$playerMove = “Rock”}
if ($guess -eq “P”) {$playerMove = “Paper”}
if ($guess -eq “S”) {$playerMove = “Scissors”}
Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen
Write-Host " n
nn Results:
Write-Host " -----------------------------------n" Write-Host " The computer picked: $computerMove
Write-Host " You picked: $playerMove`n"
Write-Host " -----------------------------------n
$noPlayed += 1 #Increment count by 1
switch ($computerMove)
"Rock" { #The computer picked rock
if ($playerMove -eq "Rock") {
$noTied += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You tie!"
if ($playerMove -eq "Paper") {
$noWon += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You win!"
if ($playerMove -eq "Scissors") {
$noLost += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You lose!"
"Paper" { #The computer picked paper
if ($playerMove -eq "Rock") {
$noLost += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You lose!"
if ($playerMove -eq "Paper") {
$noTied += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You tie!"
if ($playerMove -eq "Scissors") {
$noWon += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You win!"
"Scissors" { #The computer picked scissors
if ($playerMove -eq "Rock") {
$noWon += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You win!"
if ($playerMove -eq "Paper") {
$noLost += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You lose!"
if ($playerMove -eq "Scissors") {
$noTied += 1 #Increment count by 1
Write-Host " You tie!"
#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key
#Reset variables to prepare for a new round of play
$number = 0 #Reset the computer’s guess back to zero
$guess = 0 #Reset the numeric version of the player’s guess
#back to zero
$playerMove = “” #Reset the string version of the player’s guess back
#to a empty string
$computerMove = “” #Reset the string version of the player’s guess
#back to a empty string
#Clear the Windows command console screen
#Display the game statistics
Write-Host “n
nn Game Statistics
Write-Host " -----------------------------------n" Write-Host "
n Number of games played: $noPlayed"
Write-Host “n Number of games won: $noWon" Write-Host "
n Number of games lost: $noLost”
Write-Host “n Number of games tied: $noTied
Write-Host " -----------------------------------"
Write-Host “n
n`n Press Enter to continue.”
#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key
#Clear the Windows command console screen