Powershell logs

I have a simple rock, paper, scissors script that I am trying to output to a text log file so that it keeps a running total for number of games played, games won, games lost and games tied. Obviously I need to have it create the text file first but then how do i get it to update it every time after that? Here is my program if that helps.

#Clear the Windows command console screen

#Define variables used in this script
$playGame = “True” #This variable controls game play
$number = 0 #This variable stores the numeric version of the
#computer’s move
$guess = 0 #This variable stores the numeric version of the
#player’s move
$playerMove = “” #This variable stores the string version of the
#player’s move
$computerMove = “” #This variable stores the string version of the
#computer’s move
$noPlayed = 0 #This variable keeps track of the number of games
$noWon = 0 #This variable keeps track of the number of games won
$noLost = 0 #This variable keeps track of the number of games lost
$noTied = 0 #This variable keeps track of the number of games tied

#Display the game’s opening screen
Write-Host “`n`n`n`n`t`t`tW E L C O M E T O T H E”
Write-Host “`n`n`n`t R O C K, P A P E R, S C I S S O R S G A M E”
Write-Host “`n`n`n`t`t`t For SD 232”
Write-Host “`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n Press Enter to continue.”

#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key

#Loop until the player guesses the secret number
while ($playGame -ne “False”) {

#Generate the game’s random number (between 1 - 3)
#Value assignment: 1 = Rock, 2 = Paper and 3 = Scissors
$number = Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum 4

#Translate the computer’s move to English
if ($number -eq 1) {$computerMove = “Rock”}
if ($number -eq 2) {$computerMove = “Paper”}
if ($number -eq 3) {$computerMove = “Scissors”}

#Prompt the player to guess a number
while ($guess -eq “”) {

Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen

#Display instructions
Write-Host "`n`n"
Write-Host " Enter one of the following options:`n"
Write-Host " -----------------------------------`n"
Write-Host " R = Rock"
Write-Host " P = Paper"
Write-Host " S = Scissors"
Write-Host " Q = Quit`n"
Write-Host " -----------------------------------`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n"

#Collect the player's guess
$guess = Read-Host " Make a move"


#Validate the player move
if ($guess -eq “Q”) { #Player has decided to quit playing

Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen

Write-Host "`n`n"
Write-Host " Game over. Thanks for playing Rock, Paper, Scissors."
Write-Host "`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n"
Write-host " Press Enter to view game stats and quit the game."

Read-Host  #Pause while the player reads the screen

$playGame = "False"  #Set variable to false indicating the game is over

continue  #Skip the remainder of the loop

elseif (($guess -ne “R”) -and ($guess -ne “P”) -and ($guess -ne “S”)) {

Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen

Write-Host "`n`n`n Invalid input. Please try again."

Read-Host  #Pause while the player reads the screen

$guess = ""  #Clear out the player's previous guess

continue  #Skip the remainder of the loop


#Translate the player’s move to English
if ($guess -eq “R”) {$playerMove = “Rock”}
if ($guess -eq “P”) {$playerMove = “Paper”}
if ($guess -eq “S”) {$playerMove = “Scissors”}

Clear-Host #Clear the Windows command console screen

Write-Host " `n`n`n Results:`n"
Write-Host " -----------------------------------`n"
Write-Host " The computer picked: $computerMove`n"
Write-Host " You picked: $playerMove`n"
Write-Host " -----------------------------------`n`n"

$noPlayed += 1 #Increment count by 1

switch ($computerMove)

"Rock" {  #The computer picked rock

  if ($playerMove -eq "Rock") {
    $noTied += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You tie!"

  if ($playerMove -eq "Paper") {
    $noWon += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You win!"

  if ($playerMove -eq "Scissors") {
    $noLost += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You lose!"


"Paper" { #The computer picked paper

  if ($playerMove -eq "Rock") {
    $noLost += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You lose!"

  if ($playerMove -eq "Paper") {
    $noTied += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You tie!"

  if ($playerMove -eq "Scissors") {
    $noWon += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You win!"


"Scissors" { #The computer picked scissors

  if ($playerMove -eq "Rock") {
    $noWon += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You win!"

  if ($playerMove -eq "Paper") {
    $noLost += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You lose!"

  if ($playerMove -eq "Scissors") {
    $noTied += 1  #Increment count by 1
    Write-Host " You tie!"



#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key

#Reset variables to prepare for a new round of play
$number = 0 #Reset the computer’s guess back to zero
$guess = 0 #Reset the numeric version of the player’s guess
#back to zero
$playerMove = “” #Reset the string version of the player’s guess back
#to a empty string
$computerMove = “” #Reset the string version of the player’s guess
#back to a empty string


#Clear the Windows command console screen

#Display the game statistics
Write-Host “`n`n`n Game Statistics`n”
Write-Host " -----------------------------------`n"
Write-Host “`n Number of games played: $noPlayed”
Write-Host “`n Number of games won: $noWon”
Write-Host “`n Number of games lost: $noLost”
Write-Host “`n Number of games tied: $noTied`n”
Write-Host " -----------------------------------"
Write-Host “`n`n`n`n`n`n`n Press Enter to continue.”

#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key

#Clear the Windows command console screen

You could piple the output to the following cmdlet Out-File -Append which would just append all the output to the file specified.

You could use a csv file. Import the csv, update the values, export the updated objects to csv.