The -SUM parameter in Measure-object

Is there a way to sum (i.e., total) the values of a specific property by “sub-groups” of objects in a CSV file? An example is best. The CSV file looks like the ff:

ID, Amount

10, 110

10, 40

12 , 50

12, 40

12 , 10

I’d like to create a file that looks like:



I did it by looping through each object with Foreach … using the $_ cursor and additional variables to keep track of the changes.

I also thought Measure-object’s -SUM could do the job, but it seems it can only sum the CSV file’s Amount property. I’m looking for a “Powershell way” to use existing cmdlets and pipeline processing.

Would be grateful for any hints, suggestions, tips.

Group-Object is your hero here.

#CSV data
id value

10 110
10 40
12 50
12 40
12 10

$Data = Import-Csv -Path c:\Temp\Test.csv
$Data | Group-Object -Property id | ForEach-Object -Process {
    $Sum = $ | measure -sum -Property Value
    [pscustomobject]@{id=$_.Name ; value = $Sum.sum}
    #if the PowerShell version is 2.0, then below code has to be used instead of [PSCustomObject] way
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{id=$_.Name ; value = $Sum.sum}

Many thanks, Mr kvprasoon. Much appreciated!

Hello Mr kvprasoon,

I touched up the code you recommended and got the message:

ForEach-Object : Missing an argument for parameter ‘Process’. Specify a parameter of type
‘System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock’ and try again.

It seems there is a syntax error somewhere in the line: Foreach -process.

Also, I’m not clear on what the line

[PSCustomobject]@{id=$_.Name; value = $Sum.sum}

does. Looks like a hahs table, but am unclear on what it does.

Thanking you in advance.

Seems like some issue occurred when you copied directly from the web. Process is a parameter for ForEach-Object cmdlet which accepts scriptblock.

About PSCustomObject, here is a great blog post about it by Kevin

Very well, Mr. kvprasoon.

I retyped the code just to be sure, and it works beautifully.

Thanks also for the article about [PSCustomObject], it was very informative and useful to my learning Powershell.

Many thanks.