Summing columns after using Group-Item

I have a custom object with several NoteProperty values…pretty standard. I want to group these values on an identifier value, so I use “Group-Object”. Here is a sample:

    ID = 'NO0001'
    Path = '\\server\share\path\folder'
    DataCount = 4
    DataCompleteCount = 2

I get an array of these back from a routine, and there can be multiple Path/DataCount/DataCompleteCount sets for each individual ID. I want to display a 3 column table like so:

ID          DataCount      DataCompleteCount
NO0001         12                8
NO0002         14                9

I tried doing this:

PS C:\Users> $ResultArray | Group ID

Count Name        Group
----- ----        -----
    3 NO0001      {@{ID=NO0001; Path=\\server\share\path\folder; DataCount=4; DataC...
    1 NO0002      {@{ID=NO0002; Path=\\server2\share2\path\folder; DataCount=2; Dat...

But no matter what I tried in a select statement I couldn’t get at the embedded objects in the returned group field. Suggestions?

Grouped objects are under .Group collection:

$obj = @()
$obj += [PSCustomObject]@{
    ID = 'NO0001'
    Path = '\\server\share1\path\folder'
    DataCount = 4
    DataCompleteCount = 2
$obj += [PSCustomObject]@{
    ID = 'NO0001'
    Path = '\\server\share2\path\folder'
    DataCount = 6
    DataCompleteCount = 4
$obj += [PSCustomObject]@{
    ID = 'NO0002'
    Path = '\\server\share1\path\folder'
    DataCount = 9
    DataCompleteCount = 8
$obj += [PSCustomObject]@{
    ID = 'NO0002'
    Path = '\\server\share2\path\folder'
    DataCount = 4
    DataCompleteCount = 3

$grp = $obj | Group-Object -Property ID

$grp | Select Count, Name, @{Name='TotalDataCount';Expression={($_.Group.DataCount | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum}}


Count Name   TotalDataCount
----- ----   --------------
    2 NO0001             10
    2 NO0002             13

Thank you, Rob. I had everything right except how I was formulating the calculated expressions. In some statements you use @{Name=‘text’;Value={Code}} and in others you use @{Name=‘text’;Expression={Code}}. I was using “Value” instead of “Expression”, which didn’t work at all. Your example is very well written and easy to understand.