Testing for Remoting Enabled in a script?

Is there any way to test if Remoting is enabled within a script? I’m looping over a collection of computers to get event log entries from each computer. I’m testing if the computer is available using
Test-Connection $c -quiet
But I can’t seem to find a similar method that will tell me if Remoting is running before I try to use Get-EventLog $c. I’ve tried using Test-WSMan but even wrapping that in a Try/Catch block doesn’t prevent the command from throwing an error.

Someone in StackOverflow posted this function:

Function Test-PSRemoting

$ErrorActionPreference = “Stop”
if ((Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -ScriptBlock {1}) -eq “1”)
return $true

        return $false

return $false


Use it like:
Test-PSRemoting MyComputer

Someone also suggested adding “-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue” to the Test-WSMan command. Works great. Much more elegant than including another function in my module.