by tim91700 at 2012-12-10 04:35:25
Hello,by DonJ at 2012-12-10 04:40:40
I have a database with 2 machines
I want to create tabs like this :
-Index Tab
-Tab for machine 1
-Tab for machine 2
I have :
-Index Tab
-Tab for machine 2
-Tab for machine 2
My code :$tabScanner.text = "Scanner"
$tabScanner.AutoSize = $true
$tabs.Width = 550
$tabs.Height = 280
$tabs.Top = 25
$tabs.left = 5
$GLOBAL:taba = @(1,2)
Foreach ($GLOBAL:ta in $GLOBAL:taba)
$tabModele.Text = $ta
$tabModele.AutoSize = $true
How I can do to have all tabs ?
Thanks you for your help
You might want to post this on our Advanced forum. .NET and WinForms is a little beyond my scope.