my colleague has written a script which queries the free disk space of a server via WMI.
He runs it out of the ISE without any errors.
The strange thing is, as long as the ISE is open, every minute there are logon and logoff events in the security log of the target server. This continues until he closes the ISE.
When he closes the ISE, there are no events anymore.
This also happens when he runs the WMI query separately in ISE.
When he runs this script out of a console, it’s all fine…no events.
Depends on what’s in his script, I imagine. Can’t really guess without seeing it.
However, I can tell you that when you use the ISE’s “Run Script” option (or press F5), it’s a lot like dot-sourcing a script at the console in powershell.exe. That’s what allows you to inspect variables and their values after a script has finished running in the ISE. That’s very likely going to be the cause of the difference in behavior that you’re seeing.
That is odd. I don’t see anything in that script which seems like it should be keeping any open connections. Maybe it’s something that the WMI .NET objects do, and we never noticed.
If you’re running PowerShell v3 or later, you could try Get-CimInstance instead, and see if it behaves the same way.